
Aug 31, 2012

My New Trend

I guess by now you've noticed my new trend. I didn't intend to become an every-other-day blogger, but that seems to be how my life is going lately. School starting up and football and now Crafty's play, have made it difficult to get five minutes to sit down at my desk every day.
Teach carrying the torch.

And  I can't believe how much time it takes to win a gold medal!

What? You didn't know I was in the Olympics?

The Curves Olympics I mean. Did I tell you I've started working out with Teach every day? It's been fun and rewarding (I bought some shorts in a whole size smaller!), but it takes a LOT of time! I'm not a morning person so I can't possibly get up at 6:00 AM before the kids get ready for school. So we have to go around 9:00. The Dog Walker can watch the little ones most days unless he has class and then we have to go in the afternoon.

Just this past week I convinced Bossy that she should come with us, so she plunked down her money and is now the newest member. Since the Olympics are over, they have come up with their next ploy to get people excited about working out. It's the Curves Two-Week Triathlon... 26.2 miles of walking/running, 112 miles of biking, and 2.5 miles of swimming.

They must think I have tons of time on my hands.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, that triatholon makes me tired just reading about it! Congratulations on winning an Olympic medal though. :) Great job!
