
Aug 9, 2012

Ever Been to the Circus?

My grandma and grandpa loved the circus! Grandpa especially loved the trapeze artists. He always thought someone was going to fall. I remember one year as a child my parents actually took us to the circus at the Salt Palace in Salt Lake City. I was pretty small and our tickets were really high up (we had to use binoculars!), but it was still an amazing memory for me.

There were three rings and so much going on at the same time. I must have been about 4 or 5 (maybe one of my older siblings can correct me if I've messed up the time period) and I was terrified of the big cats. I don't remember seeing another circus until about 8 years ago and it was nothing like the awesome experience of my childhood. It was held at the Equestrian park and the tickets were cheap. I guess when it comes to the circus it's important to remember that you get what you pay for...usually...

That is why I was so excited last week when an email hit my inbox. Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey circus wanted ME to see one of their shows and write a review on it! The show is officially called Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey presents DRAGONS and it is coming to Utah September 19 - 23 at the EnergySolutions Arena.

Now if you live in Utah, there is a way for you to snag a couple of these free tickets for yourself. On Tuesday, August 14, the first 100 families to donate a new/used book to "Eliza's Wish" can receive up to two free tickets!

Eliza is an amazing little girl from Utah who suffers from MLD or metachromatic leukodystrophy. Whew! Say that one three times fast! Anyway, Eliza is trying to raise awareness about her disease and her family started Eliza's Wish, a charity that gives books to doctors' offices and hospitals all over Utah.

All you have to do is bring a book to the EnergySolutions Arena at 7:00 AM on August 14. Now they have asked that no lines form until 6:00 AM (if that's possible!). They will have 100 tickets to give away, but no more than 2 per family. 

 You'll want to bring all your kids anyway though, because the first 300 young circus fans between the ages of 2 and12 in attendance will get to participate in a special Dragon Egg Hunt! These kids will get access to a specially designed “Dragon Cave” inside the EnergySolutions Arena to hunt for one rare golden dragon egg that can be redeemed for some awesome prizes. Circus Ringmaster Johnathan Lee Iverson will also make an early visit to Salt Lake to meet with kids and take them deep into the dragon’s cave to help with the hunt. Eliza's family will even be there to speak about “Eliza’s Wish” book drive.

So add a couple of books to your next shopping list and we'll see you bright and early on August 14. (OK, I might not be there, you know how I hate early mornings, but I will definitely see you at the circus!)

**I am a Feld Family Ambassador, and in exchange for my time and efforts in attending shows and reporting my opinion within this blog, as well as keeping you advised of the latest discounts and offers, Feld Entertainment has provided me with complimentary tickets to Feld shows and opportunities to attend private Feld pre-Show events. Even though I receive these benefits, I always give an opinion that is 100% mine!**


  1. Sounds like husband and I joke that we should have 12 children so that we can retire and spend a month with each of them...since raising 10 and saving for retirement seem impossible right

  2. Awesome; I hope you have a ton of fun on this one. Actually, Eliza is my grand neice. Her father is my nephew. I actually have a post about her on Mormon and my blog. The one on my blog was a while back. Our ward had a book drive for her about three years ago. We just saw her last week at the our family reunion. She is such a precious little one. Her parents are amazing. The story on the MormonWomen site also tells about an bike race injury that her father had and he has made a remarkable recovery. Again, I am happy you are involved in going to have the opportunity to review the Circus.
