
Jul 28, 2012

St. Louis

Teach is an awesome photographer!

That's us, I promise!

Waiting in line at the arch...

It's so high!
We got up about 8:30 this morning. We were all still exhausted from being so long in the van yesterday. After a convenience store breakfast we hit the road. (I hate staying in hotels where they don't have free breakfast.) The morning went by quickly. Teach and the Prima Donna are learning to crochet and that kept me busy. I have also been reading aloud to my sweetie and anyone else who wants to listen. We finished our second novel today in the Tennis Shoes Among the Nephites series.

We rolled into St. Louis around noon and stopped by the arch. Silly me, I actually thought we could buy tickets and ride the tram to the top! After waiting for 20 minutes in the security line, we finally got in to the visitors' center only to find lots more lines. Since we still had 4 more hours to drive, we couldn't spend our entire day waiting for tickets.

So we gave up on that idea and just went through the museum. It was awesome! I didn't even realize they had a museum and it was free, my favorite price. Then we took some pictures by the waterfront before we walked back over to the shopping district. We found a little pub that turned out to be a dive and we had lunch. I think it could have used a little help from the Restaurant Impossible guy.

Baby Doll is pulling her own suitcase. What a traveler!
At the arch.
After four more hours in the van, we finally found Kansas City. We rolled in around 8:00 and checked into our hotel. Then we piled back in and drove a few miles to enjoy dinner at Mimi's Cafe. The kids love that place! I can only afford it when we are on vacation...

Now we are back in the room, settling for the night. We are staying here tomorrow night too; we can really use the break before the last two long days home.

Lovin' Mimi's and Teach


  1. What an awesome trip you have been taking. I know that there are some great journal moments. I love all of your tee shirts. The pictures are awesome.
    We once went on a trip and read a book about how to give a book of scriptures away. We had enough for everyone to share with someone during the trip. It was a great challenge. I loved that your are reading books while traveling. It's only sad for the driver unless he too can hear the story.
    Blessings to you and be safe coming home.

  2. My, you all really are touring this lovely country of ours and are not missing much.
    You will need a vacation after this to rest up.

  3. Hi I was at the arch the same day as you. Saw your tshirts and decided to give your blog a visit. We waited in line to go to the top. It took THREE HOURS!! Ugh.
