
Jul 9, 2012

Our Next Big Adventure

Give me a break, it was the 60s!
Have I mentioned to you that we have been planning a trip?

Not just a little trip, like when we went to Vernal over spring break. I mean a huge major trip-of-a-lifetime trip? I really don't like traveling. From the time I was a little girl, I was plagued with car-sickness...and I mean BAD car sickness! I would get sick driving the three blocks to Grandma's house.

I remember on one car trip I asked my dad to pull over because I was going to be sick. Mom suggested rolling down the window and before Dad could get to the side of the road I had thrown up all over the outside of the car door. At least it was on the outside, right? After that Mom always packed an ice cream bucket for me (with a lid) and I used it at least once on pretty much every trip.

If we drove to Provo (which was about 100 miles), I ALWAYS threw up in the parking lot of the Wonder Bread store (it was our first stop).

So why, do you wonder, are we taking a major trip?

I've been telling my sweetie for years that I wanted to take the kids back east before they started making homes of their own. My time-frame was when the Dog Walker graduated from high school. Remember when I told you about that tax refund we got? Well, we hid it away in the credit union and didn't touch it so we could go.

Does not contain actual vomit.
And now the trip is nearly upon us! The kids are so excited they can't hardly stand it. Today we packed our bags and we leave on Saturday. My sweetie even bought a new laptop so I could keep you all updated while we are gone. This trip is an LDS church history tour and a US history tour all in one. We will be gone for 17 days! Thank goodness Bossy offered to tend the house and take care of the garden. (She is taking the time off since we are her only babysitters.)

There is so much to do and prepare during this last week. I'm so worried that I will forget something. Seventeen days is a long time!

Guess I'd better bring a throw-up bucket...


  1. Sure hope you don't need it. Have a wonderful trip.

  2. Have so much fun! I hope you run into my parents in Nauvoo!

  3. How awful to get that car sick- I wonder if there is something you can take for your big trip. I hope you have a wonderful time!

  4. Have a wonderful trip and enjoy the moments because there will be many.
    Blessins to you all and especially you. Hopefully, you have outgrown your car sickness.

  5. Have fun! I love the east coast!

  6. Take some Pepto Bismol it does really really work, a tiny teaspoon of it and your tummy will be a-okay..Sounds like a wonderful trip and time for you & your hubby and lovely family, memories for your children to last a lifetime, 17 days it will be wonderful to see your LDS church history and the capitol and everything on the road to and from..enjoy enjoy, wonderful trip for your kids how blessed you are to make this trip and share with your family for a lifetime of memories, once kids grow up and go to college and start their lives out, mahy don't get to see and be with their parents and siblings, this is a wonderful experience for you and your hubby and the entire family..God's Blessings to you and yours...take some Pepto it will change your life, just a tenzy weenzy amt. half of a teaspoonfull will do the trick, also take some crackers so your tummy isn't completely empty and you will feel just great...

  7. Sorry you get so sick in the car.
    I will pray that it doesn't happen on your next big trip!!!
