
Jul 11, 2012

A Little Randomness

Sorry I didn't keep you informed yesterday about the Dog Walker's's been pretty hectic around here! He is healing up nicely although he has been complaining a little about pain. He and Princess are going boating tonight with their young men/young women group, so I hope it's mostly healed.

Lots of excitement getting ready for the trip! There is so much to do. The kids pretty much go right back to school when we get home so we had to be ready for that. Princess and Prima Donna leave for Girls' Camp early in the morning the day after we get back. That means we have to have all that stuff prepared as well as three gifts each for their secret sisters. And Sport is actually missing the first two days of football tryouts because we won't be home. I picked up a couple of mouthpieces at Big 5 so he can be ready to join the boys on the first night of full pads.

I got an awesome phone call today...the Dog Walker has been chosen the Scout of the Year for the state of Utah by the Veterans of the Foreign Wars! They have a little plaque for him and everything. I will show you a picture after the awards presentation next month.

Then, while I was still floating from the excitement, another phone call came in. This one was from Senator Orrin Hatch's office. He promised to forward the Dog Walker's letter to the President tomorrow morning along with a request with his name on it! I was starting to think there was no possibility of getting in to see the President and now I figure we have about a 3% chance. And that's just because it's an election year.

I got Prima Donna's test all set up for Friday so she won't have to worry about taking it when we get back. Remember she is doing a full year of earth science this summer? This is the second quarter test. And Princess is nearly finished with her Gold Award. Just one more dance class and then the little recital on Friday. And of course the paperwork.

Speaking of paperwork, I have never assembled paperwork like I am doing for this trip! Usually just some stuff in a notebook. But for this trip, I am trying to be totally prepared. This binder has taken me almost a month to get together and I'm still not finished with it. I am down to trying to find places to eat along the way that we can afford. Any suggestions? My sweetie has watched one too many episodes of Diners Drive Inns and Dives...

I don't want to give away too much about our trip because I want you to join me along the way, but I was so excited to buy tickets to an Orioles baseball game at $9 a seat!

And last, but not least, we finally closed on the refi for our house yesterday. That means I can look forward to a roofing project when I get home. Never a dull moment around here!



  1. Do you really think so? This Nauvoo trip should be fun. I hope it will be.

  2. Big time congrats to Dog-Walker's award and a big nod to Senator Hatch's intervention on his behalf. Looks really promising now.
    Looking forward to your trip.

  3. There is absolutely no where to eat that is affordable in Nauvoo, I can tell ya that much! And there is a teeny store there that is overpriced that you may be able to find groceries at... My mom has to go to the Walmart in Keokuk for food, and I don't remember the last time they ate at a restaurant.

    There is a chain Mexican restaurant in the Midwest that I recommend avoiding... I don't remember the full name, but part of the name is O'Kelley or O'Kelly I think.

  4. I forgot... There is no such thing as too many episodes of Diners, Drive Ins, and Dives! I love hearing that your Sweetie watches it!

  5. Guy Fieris site is all promotion for his cooking books and his tv show the recommendations he has are for extremely expensive meals, full of fat and little your know what..skip his tv shows, Cheddars and Bob Evans are reliable and not too bad but how many people are you to feed? you will spend plenty at these restaurants but you won't get sick at aleast..I read a site called HollieEats or HollyEats, this fellow goes across the country eating and eating, it is an old site, but the places he reviews sound mighty yummee and there are menus on the site with the grease stain ratings, might be something to check out, if you have to feed a large group of people it might be better to go to a supermarket and get the food and make your own could save a bunch of money as most restaurants have menus and you are paying for their rent, utilities etc. unless you can order all off the childrens menus and then you could really really save, might be worth inquiring, fresh fruits and some veggies might sustain you and lots of water not any pop or sugary stuff..How many are going along>?????????????????? Wash. D.C. is sweltering at this time of year and many places are unsafe for your family watch where you go to in wash. D.C. it is crime ridden, we went one time when I was much younger and single I stayed in Virginia never Wash.D.C. have a great time, enjoy your LDS tours and congrats to your sonfor the boy scout whee, what a wonderful young man and your his momma and his daddy is special too, forger Guy Fieri's suggestions his show is to just make money for him, the foods he makes and the places he suggests are terribe..just saying save your money for good real food!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. I wish we could afford to eat out every meal, but that is not possible for us. I just got back from Sam's Club with a huge load of snack foods and veggies for the trip. Our plan is to eat free breakfasts in the hotels (one of my main criteria when I choose one) and one meal from the cooler and one out per day. As long as we choose carefully that makes it pretty manageable.
