
Jul 19, 2012


Once again we packed up early and were on our way. Funny how this trip leaves very little time for relaxing! I was up late doing laundry so I slept most of the way to Cleveland. We drove all the way to the turnpike without a break. I had never been at a turnpike before. It was kind of like a mini-mall. We only used the restrooms and grabbed a bag of ice, so it was a quick one for us.
We rolled into Kirtland around 2:00. I was hoping to be closer to noon, but that didn't happen. We stopped at the Visitors' Center, but they recommended we take a tour of the temple first since they close earlier. The temple was beautiful, but I was sad when I realized it didn't have the same spirit I felt in the other temples.
After we finished the tour, we went back to the Visitors' Center and took the tour of the Whitney store, home, and ashery. What strong people the Whitneys were! We found the records of some of our ancestors in the ledgers at the store. The kids were excited about that.
After we had seen all the sites at Kirtland, we climbed back in the van and started looking for a place for dinner. There was a Red Robin just a few miles down the street, so we set the GPS and headed in that direction. When we got there they told us it would be a half hour wait and that half hour inched to nearly an hour before we were finally seated.
But the food was yummy and the service good, so we didn't complain too much. We stopped at a Target in the same area and bought a few things I had forgotten. And some itch cream. We arrived at the hotel at 9:15 and then the kids and I went swimming. My sweetie went to bed early. It's only a five-hour drive tomorrow, but none of us want him to be tired. So far he has done all the driving. I'm amazed that when we are on the freeway, things look pretty much the same, no matter where we are. But there are not any mountains to speak of here and the trees are huge and lush and green. I can't believe they get all that without having to water anything!

See you tomorrow. Don't forget to vote for Nathan (i.e. Dog Walker on Utah Dave). BTW, please remember to "like" Utah Dave first or your vote doesn't count.


  1. {waving}! I'm in Ohio a few hours southeast of Kirtland. Your trip looks like a ton of fun. Yes, Ohio is really green and we don't generally have to water things. LOL! I've been out west and it's so different in some ways. Have fun on the rest of your trip.

  2. Sounds like a good day. Red Robin always hits the spot!
