
Jul 21, 2012


downsize.jpgWhy does a five-hour trip seem like a short one? When we were first planning this trip, I just couldn't see how we could possibly survive for days at a time in the van. My biggest concern (beyond my sweetie's ability to drive all day) was Baby Doll. She has proven to be a fabulous traveler! She sleeps all morning while we drive and then she is awake when it is time to do something fun.
And today we definitely did something fun! We drove from Rochester to Harrisburg and then on to the Hershey Chocolate World. My sweetie wanted this particular part of the trip to be a surprise for the kids. I made the mistake of sharing the Hershey part with Princess, so I don't think they were too surprised when they started seeing the signs for Hershey PA.downsize.jpg

downsize.jpgWe all enjoyed a couple of hours in Hershey World. We took the chocolate trip twice and then we watched the 3D movie. The kids didn't even realize we were stalling until we got in line at Hersheypark. If we waited to get in after 5:00, tickets were about half price. They just assumed there was NO WAY we were going to pay the posted prices for tickets and they didn't even dare to hope. There was quite the celebration when they discovered we were planning to stay.

We thoroughly enjoyed all six hours in the park and I think the kids would have stayed later if the rides weren't all shutting down! We sent the six oldest kids off to ride the roller coasters and then we took the younger kids on the kiddie rides. Sport was a little sad that he wasn't quite a big kid, but he couldn't ride some of the little rides either. Curly and Scout were loving them all. And Baby Doll was right there with them.

downsize.jpgdownsize.jpgCurly's favorite ride was the log ride. I'm pretty sure it had a different name, but it was the same basic thing. Climb in a boat and go splashing down a hill. As the crowds thinned out later in the evening, he and I must have ridden that ride nearly 10 times. Because there wasn't a line, we just crossed the loading platform and climbed in another boat. We loved it!

My sweetie was watching Baby Doll sleep in the stroller and the big kids were off again on yet another roller coaster. We had so much fun we hardly noticed that we forgot to have dinner. We checked into the hotel about midnight and I tried to settle the kids for bed. No worries though, they were all exhausted! 

I know just how they feel.


  1. Your photos didn't come through for me but it sounds like a really fun day!

  2. Sorry about that! We were stuck using cellphones to capture them and we got what we got. The cutest one has me and my Sweetie kissing in front of a big Hershey's Kiss sign. Drama Queen had all the kids tease us until we would pose for it.

  3. Sounds like you are enjoying your big big trip with your family..Always wanted to go to Hersheyville because I adore Hershy chocolae bars and know of the Hershy legacy, etc..sounded like it was a blast. How good of you to wait until prices were about 1/2 price to enter the park and then ride the rides when most people were gone..wonderful you care enough even on vacation to watch the finances as most people throw caution to the wind and spend all their money and have nothing when they need it at all..bravo Mom and Dad..have a wonderful trip to wash.d.c. and your lds temples and places you have planned what a wonderful trip for your kids to always remember and your hubby and you sound like you are enjoying it a lot!!!!!!!!!!!!
