
Jun 16, 2012

Teach's Big News

Teach has decided she wants to go on a mission for our church! We are so excited about this news since she will be the first of our kids to serve. It's bittersweet to think that for 18 months she will be leaving us and living on her own with other missionaries. She can email us once a week, but she won't be able to call except for Christmas and Mothers' Day.

She probably won't leave for several months since there is so much to get ready! Yesterday we headed for the clinic and she started some of the immunizations she needs to have. She also has doctor's and dentist's appointment on her calendar.

She definitely doesn't want to leave until after our trip to Washington DC. (Did you all remember to tweet about the Dog Walker's wish to meet the President?) Some missions require biking or walking, so she is working on physical fitness as well. This is a whole new adventure for us...I'll keep you posted on her progress.


  1. Interesting. I have heard about these missions and trying not to sound too ignorant but what is the point of them? My main thought would be why would she not be about to call except for Christmas and Mother's Day---that seem way too strict to me.
    Not trying to say anything bad, I am just asking for info- I like learning about different stuff.
    Nice photo, by the way!!

  2. How exciting!! Can't wait to hear where she'll go!

  3. She must have great great faith of your faith LDS and will more than likely be paired with another young lady, how proud you must be of your daughter, it takes a lot of faith, courage and hard work to go to another place,country and speak of your faith and share the great news of your faith, kudos for her, she will be greatly enriched by our Heavenly Father for her efforts! How proud you must be and your hubby that your daughter will sacrifice for the many experiences of God's blessings in doing a Mission for your church, many do it and married couples too, a sign of a great great faith in your religion..LDS...many should consider your Missions and what one gains from this religious experience, understand the young men who do it learn how to be a real gentlemen in God's love and grace..congratulations!

  4. That is wonderful news even thought it will be difficult to have her gone for 18 months. She obviously has a caring heart.

  5. AWESOME!! I really admire all the missionaries and especially the sisters because I'm a girl and I want to go on mission after few years!! Missionary work is on the best things I know! :)


  6. Shana,
    To answer your question about a mission for Teach...of course she would always be able to choose to follow the rules or not, but they ask them not to contact family except by email once a week because they want them to focus on being a missionary not worrying about what's going on at home. Our emails are supposed to be encouraging and upbeat so they don't worry too. And none of it's required, it's just something she wants to do. A way she can give back by sharing what she believes. Many missions in our church are not about teaching, they are about Family History or Humanitarian efforts. We won't know exactly what she will be doing until she turns in her papers and then gets a letter back from church headquarters telling her the plan. Even then if she were really unhappy she could reject it or at any point she could come home. It's all about choice, but right now she is focused on 18 months of service.

  7. How wonderful for her to make such a commitment. Can she chose where she goes or is she assigned? You must be torn with pride yet feel some trepidation that she will be gone for so long. Please keep us informed.

  8. I know I posted like 12 hours ago, but I've been thinking about this all day, and I just get so excited when I think about it! I had been thinking about serving a mission, but then I met Chris right before I would've been old enough and my plans changed :)

  9. I am so excited for her. I had 3 sons serve misions and one of our 3 daughters. She served in Venezuala; so it was very far away. She also had some time on the Island of Aruba. Your daughter is going to have such a wonderful experince; I am so happy for you all. It's hard to have them leave; but you will just marvel at the awesome emails you will get. We didn't get to email; so it was a handwritten letter weekly. I treasure them. Enjoy the moment and excitement of getting the call and getting ready for it.
    Blessings to you all!

  10. Sandy!! Thanks for answering my question!!

  11. Good for Teach! :] She will be such a wonderful missionary! I can't wait to hear more about her preparation and where she gets called! This is so exciting!!
