
Jun 22, 2012

Spring Dance Recital and Giveaway Winner

Princess is third from the left.
Scout is second from the left.
So after we got trounced at the Countryfest Pinewood Derby (not to be confused with the Cub Scout Pinewood Derby...not that it matters, we lost there too), we piled in the van and headed for Chick-Fil-A.

They were giving all dads a free chicken sandwich between the hours of four and eight, Since we didn't have any other supper plans, I had grabbed all the free chicken soup coupons from the calendars Baby Doll gave everyone for Christmas. We fed the whole group of us for $17 although it could have been free if I hadn't sprung for fries.

Crafty (I like her in the Max costume better).
We rushed back to the house just in time (actually she was a little late) for Scout to get ready for the recital. She quickly pulled on her costume and the Drama Queen did her hair and makeup in record time. We arrived just as they were making the welcoming speech and hustled to find somewhere to sit. Scout did an awesome job as usual and when she was finished we ran home again so the kids could get their wiggles out for 30 minutes before the recital for the older kids.

The recital was awesome, as usual. I love watching my kids dance! I know I showed you some pictures of the small stage a couple of weeks ago at the Riverton Arts Festival, but here is what they look like on the big stage. And this time you get Scout and Sport too. Have I ever told you that Sport takes an all-boys ballet class? They have so much fun and they get to use swords and everything.

Prima Donna is second from the left.

And since it's after midnight, I'm announcing the winner of my 500 post giveaway.

Ever since I learned to count and maybe even before, my favorite number has been the number 8. That's because you have to be at least 8 to get baptized into our church. It's also the age of accountability...the age when babies become responsible children.

At our house that means that girls can choose to have their ears pierced. Kids also have to start cutting their own toenails and fingernails when they turn 8 (unless they are so disgusting I just can't stand them anymore, in which case I am perfectly justified in helping them out). It's the age they can start wearing them long if they are girls and they take care of them. It's the age they can choose their own hairstyle (within reasonable boundaries), and the age they start learning to cook. Yes, for us it is definitely a turning point.

So no one else actually chose that number, but Becky and Steve did choose the number 7 and they are the winners of a $50 surprise package crammed full of Tupperware. Please email me your address and I will get it in the mail right away.

Thanks for playing everyone and thanks for being there for me. Have a terrific weekend!


  1. dangit! if I would have been more of a diligent reader I would have won! my fav number is 8 :( o well maybe next time!

  2. I seem to be in awe of your dancers. How amazing that you have five dancers in the house. Must have been a fun time and the costumes are amazing and gorgeous!

  3. I really loved the pictures of your children performing. I remember well when we had all three daughters in ballet and tap dance. They were young and I think the customes were so cute.
    I like the idea of ballet for boys because later on it will help them with sports also. What a fun and busy night for you all!
