
Jun 14, 2012

Riverton Arts Festival

Drama Queen, Bossy holding Baby Doll, and Prima Donna
I've told you before that my kids love to dance. Every year in mid-June we are privileged to watch the Spring Recital. And that date is coming up this weekend. But a couple of weeks before that we get a preview of their show at the Riverton Arts Festival.

Crafty in White and Princess behind to the right
The director of our studio was from Riverton (a neighboring city), so she always chooses that venue for the kids to perform. In years past they have had all the time they wanted, but for the last couple of years the show has been limited to an hour. That means only the older groups are allowed to perform.

Prima Donna on the far left
I already mentioned that I spent a bunch of time on a Max costume for Crafty. Well here she is wearing it. Unfortunately, my gold paper didn't come in on time, so she did this first show without the crown. That was OK, except that with her first leap the hood fell back on her shoulders and then she looked like she was just wearing a white jumpsuit with claws. (That's one technical detail we will definitely fix for the recital!)

Prima Donna in the center and Crafty on the right
The stage is much smaller than the one they will use this weekend, so the bigger groups are all crowded together, but they make the best of it and they still do an awesome job! Can you pick out my girls in all these fun pics? Teach was complaining as she downloaded them that my sweetie took 409 pictures of this one-hour event.

Now that's one proud papa!

Princess second from right and Prima Donna third from right
Princess and Prima Donna holding up Crafty in the finale

Princess on pointe


  1. Wow, you have to be so proud. What a great way to make exercise fun and creative.

  2. Wow! Looks like a fun day. 8 girls dancing is 8 more than I have!


  3. You have gorgeous girls! And they are so talented! I did dance during my senior year of high school and now wish I had started earlier. It was such a fun experience! It really is a lot of work!
