
May 12, 2012

Weird Texts

 Life is never boring when you live with Autism.

The Dog Walker is constantly sending me random texts and pictures. The crazy thing about it is that he always just assumes I know what he is talking about. Like last night...I'm getting ready for bed and it's late. Suddenly I hear that random ring...

"Kidron? Imla? Ziz? Edom? Eloth? Uzziah? Joash?"

That's it, just like that. Do any of you happen to recognize these names from Chronicles? Well, I'm busy, so I simply ignore the text. Then a few minutes later...

"Ibri? What do you think that name sounds like? Boy or Girl?"

Now I don't know about you, but I NEVER sit around and ponder things like this.

Then I get random questions like this one...

"If they say seminary graduation is on the 20th, what am I going to do for 2nd period the day after graduation?"

My response of course, "Go to seminary."

He's just so silly, but he sees a side of life that in my busyness I would probably miss without him. I was at Sport's baseball game while he and Teach were home making dinner. He sent me this text picture...they were cutting a watermelon and he found a heart shape in it. He was so excited! That heart was so important to him he snapped several pictures just so I could see it.

Most days I love that he is autistic...and that's the heart of the matter...
and the melon.


  1. I can't say I know what it's like to have an Autistic child but I do know what it's like to work with them.

    I owe them a 'Heart' felt thank you for everything they teach me. Love the watermelon!!

  2. He is just making sure you never take him for granted and he keeps you on your toes.
    Cool watermelon

  3. Happy Mother's Day, what a beautiful post.

  4. Ummm . . . some people think it's normal to think about stuff like that!

