
May 3, 2012

The Rest of the Story

Remember a couple of weeks ago on tax day when I told you the story about the Dog Walker and his free french fries? Well, there's more...

Now Bossy loves to express her opinions, both good and bad. If she gets a charred burger, she will be the first to let you know, but if you provide excellent service, she will let your manager know too. So a couple of weeks ago, the Dog Walker accidentally took his free coupon for Arby's Curly Fries to Sonic. The awesome workers at Sonic simply honored his coupon even though they don't have that policy and gave him the free fries.

When Bossy heard the story, she immediately got on her computer and fired off an email with a gracious thank you attached. (I didn't even think to do that...I was too busy laughing...) Today we got a letter from Sonic in the mail. I want to share part of it.

     "Thank you so much for writing in to the Sonic Hotline with the experience you had with Sonic and the curly fries. It meant so much that you took the time to write and tell us what happened. It's nice to hear favorable comments about our employees who sometimes go unnoticed for their hard work."

     "We passed your letter around to all management and we can honestly say it touched so many."

And guess what!?

The letter was stuffed full of free coupons...


  1. Wait, wait, wait...Bossy did the same thing as I did at Sonic? These situations are totally going bonkers.

  2. That is awesome she would do that and that they responded!
