
May 31, 2012

The Dog Walker Graduates

This is one of those days I thought might never come.
When he was 2 he was a happy smiling boy who only seemed marginally different from his older siblings. Except that he didn't talk. When I took him to the pediatrician at 2 1/2 he suggested we begin testing. I was in denial. Life was so hard and so unfair.

But we dealt with it, just like everything else.

When the autism diagnosis came through once again it was denial. Then acceptance. Those years when he was first learning to speak from about 7 - 10 were the hardest for him and for us. There were so many days when I wondered what kind of life he would have, what kind of adult he would become. Would he be able to get a job and move out on his own? What about a wife and a family? Could he handle school and academia? These were the questions that kept me awake at night and haunted me during the day.

But I shouldn't have worried.

"Alright, last picture - best pose."
By the time he was 11 we could see that his potential was unlimited by any diagnosis. He was doing well in school and beginning his incredible journey in scouting. Yeah, there were still definitely some setbacks and at times his path was incredibly rocky (still is!), but today is one of those milestones.

The Dog Walker is graduating from high school...and not JUST graduating...he has a 3.96/4.0 GPA! He also received a scholarship from our local community college!

Nate, we are so proud of you! You are definitely epic.

Love you,



  1. Congratulations to the Dog Walker! We are so proud of you!

  2. Congratulations to both Nate and to YOU on his graduation! I don't know if I've mentioned that I have a brother with Autism... so I understand that it's definitely a joint effort, and in a lot of cases the whole family is involved. What a big day! I remember at Baccalaurate (sp?) right before Brad graduated from high school they let him say a few words... and he mentioned his "big brother Bryan, and his big Sister, Marci". Bryan and I looked at each other and chuckled, as we are both younger than him. Fun memories, such an exciting time!

  3. What a triumph!! Your Nate gives me hope for all the little Autistic preschoolers we come across.

    A HUGE congratulations to the Dog Walker and YOU!!

  4. That is wonderful news! I am so happy for all of you. Way to go Dog Walker, you rock! Congratulations

  5. Congratulations! That 3.96 is HUGE! So great! Way to go!

  6. Oh, my goodness Nate is a treasure and congratulations to him and you Mom and Dad too..what a fellow our daughter graduated 3rd in her class and was reluctant to go to school toooo boring she said she also got her AA from school 3 days after her high school diploma, not all kids enjoy school looks like your Nate did and then some..What an outstanding young man and all because you and your hubby were there for him and his siblings tooooo! I think you should be nominated for Mother and Father of the year in can show others what a real Mom and Dad is to their kids, your son will go far and he is outstanding, congrats to your son Nate what an outstanding high school graduate and person too! Yeah for you and your hubby too!

  7. glad to read of his graduation and great GPA and scholarship! Gives us other moms with "challenged" children, who are much younger, glimpses of what it can be like for our children's futures.

  8. Congrats! How wonderful. my mom is autistic and has done very well in life. Better then most, actually. :) I'm so happy for him and you!

  9. Congratulations Dog Walker. You are one heck of a young man with all you have accomplished in the scouts and pulling down such a fine GPA. A marvelous future is all yours.
    Be proud, both of you.

  10. Thanks for your comment on my blog about the spelling bee! I thought I'd answer your question here, since I figured you wouldn't check the comments on my blog again.

    My nephew didn't make it to the semi final round. The preliminary rounds were a bit rough (well, just the written test that was the majority of the points), so he didn't get to compete in the semi-finals or the finals. He will be eligible to compete again next year, so he may try to make it to Nationals again!

  11. Congratulations to Nate; that is an awesome story. Way to go! Enjoy the moments on this one.

  12. Congrats! You must be so proud! You have definitely been a huge factor in his success. That success will surely carry on into the future.
