
Apr 5, 2012

Today Was the Day

So today was it! I haven't seen the kids this excited since Christmas and I think they counted down more days than they did in December. But not everybody was counting...

Yesterday I had Princess with me when I stopped by the bank. I wrote a check and then waited while the teller passed me 8 ten-dollar bills. "Why do you need all those tens?" questioned Princess. I just gave her a "duh" look.  "Seriously?" I asked. "What is tomorrow?"

She sat there for a minute, confusion evident on her face. "I don't know, what is it?" I counted back the money just to make sure it was right."Now why would I need 8 ten-dollar bills?" This conversation continued for about three minutes until I finally reminded her. "The sugar challenge???"

She giggled, "Oh yeah...there is that."

After six weeks of no-sugar, we are all glad to finally be finished. The thing I missed the most was ice cream. My sweetie went to the store for bananas and he brought home a box of my favorite, Burnt Almond Fudge. Not trusting myself with the ice cream scoop, I asked him to make me a small bowl. Regardless of the fact that everyone told me I wouldn't crave sugar anymore and the chocolate wouldn't taste've heard them all...that was one of the most amazing bowls of ice cream I have ever eaten!

There is nothing like a little absence to make the heart (and the tastebuds) grow fonder!


  1. oh man!! 6 weeks with no sugar? That would be so hard!

  2. Way to go! Just in time for some Easter treats.

  3. Way to go! That is amazing that you all did it! I'm glad you had some good ice cream to celebrate :)

  4. You are all super impressive! I don't think I could do it!

  5. I don't think that for the next sugar challenge, we'll be having an allowance like that.
