
Apr 3, 2012

Message Received

I have definitely been in a mood today.

My real and actual sock basket.
I spent the better part of the day going through drawers and discarding clothes that were too small for Crafty, Sport, Scout, and Curly. I've pretty much filled the minivan with things to take to the DI. I guess maybe I went a little overboard because when my sweetie got home he came back to the laundry room where I was attempting to fold a huge basket full of socks.

"Maybe we should just get rid of these too," I suggested hopefully.

"How much is it going to cost to buy all new things after you give it all away?" he asked a little too seriously.

Message received...

Guess I'll be folding more socks tomorrow.


  1. I know, I've been sorting through the clothes the past few weeks in prep for a resale I'm taking outgrown things to. It's a lot of work, and I know in the end the pay for the effort won't be much, but every little bit counts.

    That's seriously a lot of socks.

  2. I'll let you fold our socks instead of yours... We have 10 pairs or less a week because I hate wearing socks!

  3. I can't imagine matching socks for your household. Good luck!

  4. Loved the humor on this one. I just went to DI recently and they have an area where they sell new socks. I am afraid this would be my choice. I hated folding the socks. Someone had an idea where you use a safety pin on the pair of socks before you wash them. Then they are all paired when they come out of the dryer. However, some of those socks are so dirty that I am not sure I would want to pair them before washing.

  5. Match socks? What a strange concept. LOL. Hubby's clean socks all get thrown on one container. He can match them or wear odd ones. The kids, I throw their odd socks in their clean laundry basket. They can find the matches or wear odd ones. I have an entire basket of unmatched socks that beckon me from time to time. I ignore them. WHen I buy #10 new socks, I mark the top of each one with a dot of fabric paint, so I can tell her white socks from everyone elses.

  6. Ugh. We hate folding socks at our house too. And there's only 4 of us!

  7. Good luck with the socks!

    My mom's best friend had 4 kids, all close in age. She hated folding all their socks, so they just kept a laundry basket full of clean ones. If they wanted socks, the kids had to find matching ones from the basket. Maybe you could do a 2 basket thing, one for smaller kids and one for the bigger kids :)

  8. When I was young and single it was nothing to me to just go and buy a new pack of socks or undies if mine were all in the dirty pile! Things have certainly changed since then...

  9. Oh, I so hear you, sister!

    I receive that message very,single.week, too!

    There has to be a better way, right?! :)

  10. I'd be giving those to someone else to sort!

  11. Sorting clothes is so time consuming - and I only have three kids (although, sorted some baby clothes for #4 tonight, that a kind friend sent over!)

  12. Oh, and any chance you could assign each kid a sock bag (ones of those mesh laundry bags that zip shut and can go through the wash) that they put dirty socks in? Then you never fold/match a sock again - they do :)

  13. That's...a lot of socks. I am overwhelmed just looking at it. Perhaps someone should start a professional sock-sorting business. I bet I'd pay.
