
Apr 7, 2012

In Ten Years - Guest Blog by Drama Queen

My friend, The Jamester, and I were talking just a while ago about where we might be in ten years.  Now I know Mom did an awesome post back in December, where she predicted where we might all be by next Christmas, but I wanted to take it a step further with some silly, sporadic prophesies.  (Let it be noted, these were created in the middle of a silly girls' night and does not reflect actual future events.)

Bossy's family will own a turtle and a cat.  They will also be the stars of their own tv show:  "Paddle Board" where they drive a bicycle-powered yacht around the North Pacific.  With the cat. 


Gym Rat will be married to a beautiful Scandinavian girl who teaches him Russian despite the fact they move to Sweden.

Their First Daughter

I, the beloved Drama Queen, shall be mayor of Randolph Township in New Jersey.  My vice mayor will be a Chinese Crested named Hector.

Hector is good at politicking.

Teach will own her own cupcakery where they specialize in Harry Potter themed baked goods.  Please don't lick your screen.


Dog Walker will be the proud owner of a Dog Preserve in Kansas and lovingly care for 37 dogs and a parrot.  And a hedgehog.  They also will have the land record for the largest gerbil. 

Oh yeahhhh....

Princess will be a wold-famous physiologyphysicist by the age of twenty-five and have won a Nobel Peace Prize for her work with chinchillas and uv radiation.  (Incidentally, she will also own her own line of designer sunglasses for pets.)

Hector frequently models when not campaigning.

Prima Donna, drawn in by her love of theatre and the paranormal will become a professional member of Ghost Hunters International.  They shall search long and far for the true phantom of the ...Opera....

Actual Footage. Courtesy of the Doctor.

Crafty will have become world famous from her television debut at Good Morning Utah as the chic new designer who presents the best-selling new collectible stuffed animals "Blazing Iguanas."  This will have set off a new craze since the animals also change colors like chameleons.  Specially marked Iguanas also speak, play dead, and start fires.

This one's name is Louie
Sport, after taking a lucrative endorsement contract, becomes the spokesperson for Ferrari International.  Coincidentally, his first car, brings tears of jealousy to his father's eyes.  Same with the consecutive seven.

There's a whole HERD of them!!!!!!!
The beautiful Scout will be on tour with Taylor Swift.  Her band will be called  "Faces" and include her, her future husband Jack Blakenship, and a cyber greyhound. 


Definitely meant to be!

Curly's seventh grade science project - a study of a world-changing fuel-alternative involving grass clippings, flower necter, and paprika - creates a global turn-over.  Ferrari, thanks to Big Brother Sport, is the first car company to convert and offer Curly a job in their design department once he turns eighteen.

Baby Doll will be one of the youngest PhD recipient ever in Microbiology, and take over an international spy syndicate. 

Oh, yeah, baby. This is serious.

Mom and Dad, of course, will be the coolest parent/grandparents.  They will also have no more trees in the yard. 

....I'm so getting grounded for this....

Ten years from now.  :)

1 comment:

  1. These things will not happen. There would be no giant hedgehog!
