
Mar 15, 2012

New Jammies!

About a month ago I was in the middle of making costumes for the ballet. At one point I ran out of trim for the king's costume so I invited my sweetie to go to the fabric store with me. He doesn't love the fabric store like I do, but he does love me, so he agreed to go (after I assured him I was only looking for one small thing). I was a bit surprised that Curly was jumping up and down with excitement. How could I say "no" to that?

When we got there, I headed off to find my trims and I sent my sweetie to keep Curly entertained. Little did I know what that would mean...

It took me about 10 minutes to find what I needed and then I started looking for my boys. They were in deep discussions about which pieces of fleece would make the best jammies for Curly. They finally settled on a couple and we headed for the cutting table.

Sadly, Curly's fabric had to take a backseat until I finished the costumes.Every couple of days he would ask me when we were going to make his jammies. Today was finally the day! Besides his cute pieces of fleece, I had a pile of awesome flannels too.

We cut out seven pairs for him! He was so cute, helping me every step of the way. He even helped run the serger! PJ pants are the easiest thing to sew. Most patterns are only one piece now, so they are quick to cut too. When I taught my Scouts to sew, they were the first task. I love the fact that if they don't turn out perfect, it doesn't matter that much because no one will see them anyway.

Well, except for Curly, you are all seeing him...all ten of you..

You notice we left them long. This kid grows about an inch every week!


  1. Cute. Cute. Cute! Love he was involved and looks so proud and happy in his pj pants. :)

  2. Now that is just too darn cute. How neat that he actually wanted to help.

  3. I lOve how excited he was! I probably would have been just excited for new Jammies, but down here I wouldn't pick fleece because it's too warm. How fun though!!

  4. I SO NEED TO KNOW HOW TO DO THIS!!!! This will save me $$$$ in the upcoming years! Okay.. what's the pattern and secrets ?

  5. Sarah from GeorgiaMarch 15, 2012 at 7:18 AM

    Very cute. I'm a pajama lover, too, Curly. I love his shirt in that last pic, too.

  6. Who doesn't love new jammies? Your sweetie sounds like mine- hating the fabric store, but will go anyway just to please lol.

  7. So cool! I wish I could make jammies for my kids...would save a lot of money since they grow so fast!

  8. That would be a fun project, if my kids had not lost pieces for all 3 sewing machines/sergers... My computerized machine, they lost the cover for the bobbin case, the serger, they unscrewed the tension control knobs and lost some pieces, the old singer hubby picked up at the flea market, i need to find the case with all the gear looking pieces that change the stitch patterns. Yes that machine is from the 1950s. It still works. ;)

  9. He is so cute..... uh oh I make 11 was I not supposed to look?? lol

  10. I am a jammie lover. Can't have enough of them! So cute.

  11. Cute!! Those are such cute jammies. He looks so proud of them.
