
Mar 8, 2012

Guest Blogger: I'm Getting So Big by Baby Doll

I turned 17 months old today so Mom thought it might be fun to show you some of the amazing things I'm big enough to do. I'm awesome on the skateboard!

Princess taught me how to play her clarinet today...I only broke the reed a little. Why would you put something in your mouth anyway that you don't plan to eat?

Crafty didn't want to do her job so I told her I would help with the vacuuming.

Scout unloaded the dishwashers but Mom needed a little help loading. Who needs a stool?

After all that work I needed a little time to relax so I decided to do a little table dancing in my jammies..

Look, Mom! No hands!

It's a good thing I never fall.
Mom says I'm driving her crazy.
I don't know why.
Do you?


  1. Oh cute! Nursery is just around the corner :)

  2. hehe adorable! They definitely keep you busy at that age ;)

  3. She's a cutie! She can come clean my house anytime! ;)

  4. She's a cutie! She can come clean my house anytime! ;)

  5. Oh I love that age- even though yes they get into everything.

  6. So cute! I have a little one that age that I babysit and she is definitely into more stuff than the rest of them :)

  7. They grow too darn fast. My baby is almost 3 and starting to wean. NO! I guess I could get used to no diapers and no nursling, but after 22 years, it is quite a change.

  8. Oh my goodness. She is so cute! I love it! Happy 17 months. Def qualifies for Saturday laughs! :)

  9. Very cute, I see why you're proud. I miss having one that small.

    I just added my own Mommy Moment- Notice I didn't say proud...I'm just not sure on this one.

  10. What a cute post!

    My boys both climbed into the dishwasher every time we opened it. I miss that!

    Thanks for linking up for Proud Mommy Moments!
