
Feb 23, 2012

What about Baseball?

Bossy said I sounded kind of whiny yesterday so I ran that by my sweetie and he admitted that he hadn't read the blog. So early this morning while I was still trying to get a little shut-eye, he opened the door and agreed that whiny about sums it up.

So sorry about that! I know you don't stop by so you can hear me complain about the crazy life I've created for myself. I'll try to be more upbeat.

I need some advice.

Love this pic of Sport!
You all know that Sport had an amazing football season! His team even won the state championship on their very first try. He just finished up playing basketball with his football friends and even though their team didn't do all that well, he learned so much and now he loves basketball too. He would go out and shoot hoops every day if the weather would cooperate.

A few years ago I swore off spring sports. Oh don't get me wrong, I LOVE softball, but by the time spring comes around I'm just looking forward to taking a break. This year I'm thinking of making an exception. (I know, just after I told you about my crazy life and now I'm thinking about taking on something else...this is what happens when you have this many kids, you start losing brain cells!)

Sport has only ever had one year of baseball and that was t-ball when he was just a little guy. I've been thinking about putting him in baseball to keep the momentum rolling. It would be nice if ONE of my kids really loved sports. When I was a kid, Little League meant you played ball pretty much every day and I'm pretty sure that is still the case. But I don't really want to sign him up in a rec league with one practice and one game each week. It would take him forever to learn to play that way.

So what has been your experience with baseball? The Gym Rat played one year of Little League and hated it but he was older and all the boys had way more experience that he did. The Dog Walker only did rec leagues. Sport is 8 years and still young enough to be teachable, but sometimes he is a little scared of the ball.

I could sure use a little input...


  1. We love baseball at our house. Both our boys are playing t-ball this year and they will be 3 and 6. I would let Sport decide. If he wants to give it a try, let him. Maybe he'll find a new favorite sport.

  2. You have 12 children and some not at home now, but really to me you are super mom and dad too! you provide such love, discipline and spiritual guidance, also you are at home and do lots of things with your children..Sports is individual some kids like it and others don't..One cannot expect a parent to always nudge the little ones into a sport let alone baseball??????????? I think you are terrific, have a wonderful weekend...

  3. I understand about needing a sports break, even when you're a sports person! My husband and I both coach (the high school variety) and this year we have gone year round with school and Club. BUT, Little League sign ups are this week. And although I will only have one in LL this year, T-Ball and Fastpitch is right behind that. I was just telling a counselor this week how good organized sports are for the kids. It so helps them get and follow instruction from someone other than Mom and Dad. And we KNOW we LOVE to go watch them at their sport! All in all, what is best for the child?

  4. I think that whatever you decide he will ultimately be fine. It's funny--when my kids were younger (and they are only 5,6, and 8 now!), I felt like they had to be doing SOMETHING all the time or I was a bad mother. They all played soccer, my son played basketball, my girls danced and my son played T-ball (when he was 5). Well, no one has played or done anything really (except for Cub Scouts) since October and I felt a little guilty, but I am trying to enjoy them more, since I am sure our days of nothing to do after school are numbered!In fact,my daughter just asked us last week if she could sign up for son didn't want to play baseball, though, so we'll see. I keep telling myself that if they really want to do something they will ask, and that theory is holding true so far...
    Good luck--it's never easy, I know, but I try to remind myself that these decisions will not have as much of an impact on my children as my worry seems to indicate! It doesn't STOP me from worrying, but maybe some day! ;o)
