
Feb 21, 2012

Presidents' Day

Yesterday we visited Grandma and she has lots more snow than we do. (I know, a two-hour ride, just to go sledding...)

We left Baby Doll and Drama Queen with Grandma and headed for our favorite spot at the flood dam, but as soon as we turned onto the road my sweetie knew it was a mistake. The wheels started spinning in the soft powdery snow and we were totally stuck! "OK, all the big people in the back!" he called. After we moved everyone around and I sat in the driver's seat to steer, he and the Dog Walker got out to push.

Prima Donna and Curly
Princess and Crafty

There was NO WAY we were getting that van out! Thankfully, after about five minutes somebody in a big truck stopped and pulled us out. Not that it was easy, he had to switch chains and get on dry pavement before he could pull our big van out.

So we started looking for a new place to where we could park on dry ground. We drove around for about 20 minutes and finally found this hill where someone had driven a vehicle a few times and the tire tracks had packed the snow nicely for us.

Dog Walker

The only problem was that the tracks led directly onto the highway. So my sweetie parked the van right at the bottom of the tracks and told the kids it was better to smack into the van than run into the highway.
(Not that it turned out to be a problem, nobody got within 10 feet of the van.)

I wasn't really planning to sled, but you can see that I finally succumbed to their persuasion and I had a great time going down with Curly and Scout.

Me and Curly
 Even my sweetie got into the action.

The walk back up...
And when we were finished we headed back to Grandma's for a wonderful lunch. She even made us four different cherry desserts in honor of Presidents' Day.

And how was your holiday?


  1. Looks like you guys had so much fun! We haven't gone sledding this year because of the shortage of snow. It comes down, then melts in a day. My kids are pretty bummed! They actually spent the day yesterday outside with just their jackets on and playing with sidewalk chalk. How crazy is that for February weather?

  2. how was my holiday? not as good as yours for sure!I really miss those sledding trips, you had such a great time didn't you, too bad about getting stuck.
    Wonderful photos too!

  3. Will you send me directions to this place via email?

  4. looks like a lot of fun--I have not gone done a hill myself in years--I am glad you did it and had fun!

  5. Looks like so much fun! Your kids are lucky. I would never let mine go sledding. Over protective much? Guilty as charged

  6. Sounds and looks to me like it was so worth the 2 hour drive, making memories for a life time! :D

  7. So sorry you got stuck but thankful someone came by to help you. Looks like a fun day sledding!
