
Feb 18, 2012

Family Pictures

Present Day - Family Photos
When I was little, we always got our school pictures taken every year and Mom ordered an 8 x 10. As you know, my parents didn't have much, but they knew family pictures were important. In their bedroom Mom had made homemade frames out of thin cardboard and strong tape. They actually were very nice. The 8 of us were arranged in a circle right above their bed. (I haven't been in Dad's house for a while since he doesn't really live there anymore, but I'm assuming they are still there.)

When I had my own family, I wanted to continue that tradition except that I wanted to keep the pictures out for everyone to see. Here is my current grouping in our family room. Sorry about the glare. That top pic is of us and the others are the rest of the kids. Whatever picture they had as a high school senior will forever stay in their family frame.  The walls may change, but the adult pictures do not (at least so far...)

The Dog Walker has a fascination with these pictures. He hung most of the nails and for some reason he believes himself to be in charge of them. He often moves them around, trying to put all the boys together, or all the grownups in one particular spot. One day he decided that we might forget who was who so he cut up a sheet of paper and labeled each one of them.

One year on April Fool's Day, we all woke up to this...

Do you think you would notice if someone turned all of your pictures upside-down?

If you notice the picture in the middle is not upside down
I'm not sure why he didn't change that one


  1. I love looking at pictures. When I go into someone's home that's the first thing I look at. :)

  2. That's too funny!

    I am so bad about my photos. I've gotten them every year and I still have them, but they are not all displayed like I want them to be. I really needed to read this for the encouragement to get the pictures out of the cedar chest and up on the walls :)

  3. It is a lovely wall of photos and a nice tradition. I do love the surprise you woke up to on April Fools Day!

  4. I too love family pictures and we have 31 pictures of our grandchildren and 2 great grandchildren hanging up in our family room. They are usually updated school pictures. We also have a wall with grandparents and etc. I think having family pictures up is important. I loved the upside down ones; this was a lol moment.

  5. Ha! What a crack up, hanging them upside down! I love that you have your family displayed on the wall and I love that kids sense of humor!
