
Jan 24, 2012

Nine o'clock Church

You all know I don't love mornings. Our church is set up on a rotating schedule so all of last year we started at 1:00 in the afternoon. In January we changed to the 9:00 schedule. It makes my Sundays a little miserable, but I usually make it work...mostly...

A reenactment...
I set my alarm to go off at 8:10. I know, that's cutting it close, but we are fortunate enough to live about 3 minutes away from our church building so I only have to allow 5 minutes for travel time. I rolled out at 8:10 on the dot and after sending texts to all the older kids, I took a 3-minute shower with Baby Doll. I always have the kids shower on Saturday night so hopefully they are still pretty clean.

I called from my my bedroom door, assigning tasks to each older person. Princess had to get Scout ready, Crafty got Curly, Prima Donna got the diaper bag and toast-making duty. I took care of Baby Doll and me and by 20 minutes to 9:00, we headed down the stairs.

Things were mostly progressing nicely. Curly was still missing his shoes and I had to pull on my boots, but Scout was screaming up a storm. Now this isn't really a surprise to anyone...if there is one person who hates mornings more than me, it's Scout.

A picture? If course Curly wanted in!`
"Who had Scout?" I called above the din. "I did," Princess confessed. "She's ready. I even put on her coat." I peeked in her general direction and saw here bare feet kicking in the air. "Shoes?" I asked. "She has them," Princess remarked, "I guess she kicked them off." I sat down on the pew to put on my boots. My sweetie hollered "Five minutes!" as he headed down the stairs. Kids started pulling on coats and the Dog Walker and Sport left to go save seats. I handed Baby Doll a piece of toast and decided that maybe I'd better escort Scout to the van myself. Her wailing had risen a pitch.

She reached her arms around my neck and sobbed, "Princess put me in this little tiny dress!" I stood her on her feet. It was a size 3T! (She wears a 6.)  I immediately started stripping her down and sent someone for another dress. My sweetie was attempting to scrape the ice from the windshield of the minivan. I pulled a new dress over Scout's head and hurried to button it up. We slipped her shoes back on and headed for the door.

My sweetie had abandoned the minivan idea because the door was frozen shut and now all the kids were climbing into the big van. After we played musical cars and I realized the Dog Walker and Sport were now only about two minutes ahead of us because of his icy car, we finally got everyone loaded.

We did manage to make it into the foyer in time to take the sacrament...barely. Even the best laid plans might need to have a little extra time built in. I guess I'll set the clock for 8:05 next week.


  1. Oh boy! We just switched to 11:00 church. Even getting me and the hubby ready for 9:00 church was difficult- I too am not a morning person. I hope you guys are able to survive the year with 9:00!

  2. Just this week, I was lamenting the change to 9am church. It's only me and my husband, and we STILL manage to make it fretful! Hopefully by October I'll have my act together, just in time for it to switch to 11 in the next couple of months

  3. Wow, what a morning!! We switched over from 11:30 (which was the PERFECT time) )to 9:00. Oh How I struggle with the morning and I only have me to get ready!

  4. That is impressive!! I find it hard getting just TWO kids up and going LOL. You're a true Super Mom ;)

  5. We have 9am church, but waking up is no problem with kids who are up by 6 every day...

  6. (he he) How I remember those Sunday mornings! ;D

  7. ha ha ha ha ha.....8:05....awesome! A go getter, you are.

    We also have 9:00 church. It makes for some interesting times.

  8. I guess I would feel that way about 9:00 church if I had 12 children to get out the door, but I love 9:00 church and hate 1:00 (which is what we have this year). My kids are up by 7:00--what am I supposed to do with them until 12:30 when we start getting dressed?

  9. I don't even have any kids and takes so much to get me and my husband out the door. Bless you! haha

  10. You really could do a reality series. The time you alloted to get everyone to church wouldn't have given just the one of me enough time. I'm impressed.

  11. We just got switched to 9 o clock church too. It's awful.. Just awful! Mornings and I don't get along.

  12. I wish you luck with you 9am schedule. We just switched to 9am, but I actually enjoy that time. Our challenge is that hubby is in meetings at 7:30, so I miss his help. Your play-by-play of the morning sounds very familiar! On the bright side, enjoy your long Sunday afternoons! A great time for family board games!

  13. Gah! I am not a fan of 9:00 church! And I definitely won't be a fan once I have kids to get ready. Haha. Apparently it makes for some funny stories though! :]

  14. I'm feeling anxious just from reading this post! I can't imagine having to do so much work to get somewhere three minutes away! You are so used to it you act like it's nothing now!
    Poor Scout, that's a big size difference!
