
Jan 20, 2012

And the Winner is...

Sadly, not my picture.
Thanks everybody for your happy wishes and time spent reading my little blog! Somebody asked me if we had cake. Now I have to confess that I didn't even think of cake...but Princess did. It was the first thing she asked me when she got home from school today. I finally relented and let her make brownies. Then while I was at my basketball game the kids lit candles and sang to the blog and then proceeded to eat half of them!

The game was exciting though. Bossy got stuck downtown at work, so we only had 4 players with us, except that Bethany's mom (who has often played with us) came to watch Bethany. So she agreed to stand on the court for the opening tip-off so we didn't have to forfeit. Since she has had some trouble with her knees, I figured she would simply step off the court and return to her seat.

NOT! She had to chase down a girl on a fast break first and their feet got tangled up and she hit the floor, on her knees, of course. I was so worried for her, but she got up and THEN she left the court. I think I forgot to mention that the other team only had four players too, so they got to forfeit. And then they proceeded to trounce us! The final score was 54 to 30, but it was OK. Teach made 10 points and Bethany made 12.

I put up one pathetic basket because I was playing point guard and I don't generally shoot from the outside. Just for fun I put up a 3-pointer in the third quarter, but it bounced up from the rim and then out.

I know you didn't stop by my blog today to hear a play-by-play from my basketball game. You want to know who won the Tupperware, don't you?! OK, OK, my awesome winner is Marci from Life Doesn't Have to be Perfect to be Wonderful. Congrats, Marci and thanks again for all of you awesome readers! Eat a brownie and sing to my blog for me...apparently it's a new trend.


  1. Woohoo! Oh this is so exciting!!!

  2. Since they only had 4 and forfitted, at least you technically won--trouncing aside. Impressed with all you do that you still run up and down a basketball court. Kudos.

  3. I felt a little silly singing to your blog, but since I was alone it was okay.

  4. Brownie, did you mention a brownie!!
    Congratulations Marci!!

  5. Love the play by play actually, and love that the kids sang and ate with out you - how funny
