
Dec 1, 2011

The Tooth Fairy

Scout has been having a very busy week! First she had her friend party, then her birthday. After that it was Thanksgiving and she got sick. Her lower lip was cracked and bleeding from the fever and she was pretty miserable. Then, horror of horrors, one of her front teeth started to wiggle! She was excited about the prospect of the Tooth Fairy coming to visit, but since this was her first tooth, she was nervous about the level of pain she might have to endure to receive her prize.

As the tooth wiggled looser and looser, it started to hurt a little. She became so distraught; I couldn’t get her to eat. She thought that something as simple as crunchy peanut butter might make the tooth fall out and that might mean blood and carnage and she just wasn’t ready for that. I tried to get her to let me touch it (i.e., pull it out when she wasn’t expecting it), but she refused to open her mouth. She got so worried that I even had to give her a little Ibuprofen to ease the pain and stress in her neck and shoulders!

Then last night, she came running into the office while I was working on my post. “It fell out!” she cried and placed the tiny tooth reverently on my desk. “Yay!” I enthused. “Did it hurt?” She skipped back out of the office. “No,” she called over her shoulder. “Get a cup!” I reminded her. It’s been many years since we encouraged a child to put a tooth under a pillow. The “cup” method makes life much easier for the Tooth Fairy.

 The fortunate child expecting a visit places the tooth in a small cup and sets it in the kitchen window. Then the Tooth Fairy can quickly and easily find the tooth and leave a prize in the window. Much better than a huge lump under a pillow! That’s because our Tooth Fairy NEVER leaves money. It’s always a small gift of some sort, usually something between five and ten dollars. Sometimes it’s a movie, in fact Crafty receive the Flipper twin set just a couple of weeks ago for losing a tooth. But this was Sport’s first tooth, so it was bound to be something amazing.

She was so excited when she finally dragged herself out of bed this morning and headed for the kitchen. By then, most of her siblings had already gone to school, but not before they admired her new treasure. She was so excited to find a Lil' Webkinz puppy! When I was a kid, we got a shiny new dime…and I’m pretty sure I was just as excited as Scout to receive it. How about you? What does your Tooth Fairy leave?


  1. We never did the Tooth Fairy with our kids. *sheepish grin*

    When I was a kid, I always got 25 cents from the Tooth Fairy. Usually in the form of a quarter. But I remember once when I thought I got a raise. I thought I had recieved 45 cents! Until I realized what I thought was a quarter was really a nickle. haha

  2. Growing up it was a silver dollar.

    Obviously I don't have kids yet do I haven't had to think much about the tooth fairy, but I like what you do! I'll have to remember this in several years when the tooth fairy will make her debut at our place!

  3. I think I'm gonna steal your idea! What a great idea! We went the traditional route and placed the tooth under the bed - but my daughter was unhappy with the dollar and the tooth fairy routinely forgets. I would rather put a prize out somewhere so that I don't have to make up stories about a club-hopping fairy hanging with leprechauns that probably got too drunk to remember all the kids teeth. (it was st. patricks' night, in my defense.)

  4. What a great idea! I always got a quarter when I was a kid. My poor boys would always have to wait a night or two, since the tooth fairy always fell asleep : )

  5. How exciting for her (and she is so cute)! I love the cup idea!
    The toothfairy leaves $5 for the first tooth, and a dollar or two for each addition one.

  6. That's so great and your daughter is beautiful! My hubby and I were just talking the other day about what we might do when the tooth fairy comes to visit. We still haven't decided, but since my daughter is still working on getting her final tooth in, I figure we have plenty of time to figure it out. I do agree with you though about NOT putting anything under a pillow. The cup idea is a good one!

  7. Yah, for the tooth fairy!! I always tell my patients to ask for 5 dollars! LOL

  8. Oh my word - she's darling! And I love the tooth fairy ... she's gotten a lot richer in the past 40 years!

  9. That is a pretty fantastic tooth fairy prize!

    Love Scout's freckles!

  10. Lydia hasn't "lost" any teeth on her own yet but did have 2 extracted at the dentist when she was 3. We "gave" her the money but told her I would keep it in my purse so she wouldn't lose it and then took her to the store and let her pick out a toy about 5-10 dollars in amount. She like doing that and handing the cashier her money. So we will probably keep doing that.
