
Dec 14, 2011

Christmas Trees

Princess and Teach's tree

 Remember yesterday when I told you that I used to get my own little Christmas tree to go in my bedroom? I guess that is one of the things I have passed along to my kids, because they can’t wait to put up their own little trees every year. So over the years we have acquired several little 4-foot artificial trees that as soon as Thanksgiving is over they can set up on their own if they clean their rooms.
Baby Doll's Tree
Prima Donna, Scout, and Crafty's tree (a little bare...)

It’s fun to see what they put on them. They know that the homemade ornaments are usually fair game on a first come, first served basis. But not this year. With Baby Doll breaking everything within her reach, we decided that the glass ornaments and the Snow Villages could stay in their boxes until next year. That meant the kids were on their own to find something to decorate with…

Curly and Sport's tree
Princess and Teach share a room and they used every Disney Princess Barbie they could find. Sport and Curly put Lightning McQueen and other cars on their tree. Then when Curly had his gifts wrapped, he stuck them on the tree as well. I told him UNDER, but that’s what we got.

Drama Queen's tree
The Dog Walker hung all of his Reflections medals on his and Baby Doll got this tiny one on the mantel above her crib. Prima Donna, Crafty, and Scout used bears, and the Drama Queen has a tiny tree she took to school.
The Dog Walker's tree
And just so you have seen them all, this is the family tree in my living room. So far, so good, no broken ornaments…now if I could just remember to water the darn thing.

The Family Tree (yeah, it's real)


  1. I had to set a reminder on my phone to tell me every day to water my tree! And even with it I still forget sometimes.

  2. So fun that they have all of their own trees.
    And yea, I didn't get out half of my ornaments this year and we only decorated the top half of the tree.

  3. I love this! My sister and I always set up our own tree in our room and we loved it! I definitely want to do that with my kids! I love how your kids decorate their trees too! So cute!

  4. Aw- I love it and I am so jealous. We have a boring, fake tree in our house. Sigh:(

  5. Such a beautiful tree. So big and full!

  6. I love the Barbie dolls on Princess and Teach's tree. :o) How fun that everyone's personality is reflected on their trees.

    And I commend you for even thinking about watering the tree. That job is not even on my list of things to consider. I know my hubby does it now and then - and that's good enough for me. *wink*

  7. I have been overwatering our tree this's a tad smaller than previous years and apparently it doesn't drink as much!

    This year is the first year my son doesn't have a tree in his room...he didn't want one in there because it's already too messy!!!

  8. This is SO fun to see what they each decide, and now you make me want to have lots of trees in my house too!

  9. In response to your comment on our blog, July 6th!
