
Nov 15, 2011

Sometimes... We Do Weird Things

You know that sometimes I let Teach just throw in random pictures to get me talking. That's my favorite way to beat writer's block. So this post (and the title) is her idea. Hopefully I can shed a little insight and prove that we aren't really as weird as we appear...maybe...

Merit Badges again! Disassembling the bread maker.

Building a game...(NOT the plumbing merit badge)

Gives new meaning to the term "egg on my face."

Dog Walker's newest pet

Crafty kissing a frog...hoping to become a princess

Prima Donna just hanging around

Do I really have to eat this?

It took me a full minute to realize that this is a paintbrush!

Death by homework
No idea what Curly is doing...
Looking for a frog...maybe she needs to have a chat with Crafty.

Petting a pig...totally ignoring a pig.

Pioneer schooling...scouts again.

No, I can make the prettiest face...
Giddyup Crafty!
Kissing a mailbox
Watching the alien ships land.

So, what do you think...weird?
Just a little off?
OK, I'll concede to different...
in a good way.


  1. I wouldn't say weird. I would say AWESOME. But then again, that's kind of how I roll! Love all the pictures of your fun bunch!

  2. I love the pictures. Death by homework is the best!

  3. Definitely different in a good way. Love posts like this.

  4. I think I might have to copy this idea and have my husband put random pictures up for me to write about! Haha. So many fun {funny!} pictures! :]

  5. Love this. All the pictures crack me up. Weird is good!

  6. It's all's family and that means a bit crazy but in a good way! ;D
