
Oct 22, 2011

Spooka Palooza

We finally got all the kids and grandkids gathered up by about 10:15 this morning and we made the short drive to the expo center. We arrived about 10:30 and easily found a parking spot. It was still early and the party was just getting started. I could tell the Dog Walker was nervous, even though he’d been looking forward to this day for a long time. He was finally making his “Personal Appearance” at the Utah Kid’s Club Spooka Palooza. They kindly gave us all free passes and we had a fantastic time!

I promised Teach I would keep all of her pics in, so here goes an exceptionally long post...

Playing with blocks in the middle of the floor of the expo center.

A fine introduction on stage!
Drama Queen and her new boyfriend, Taylor.
Loving the slides!
NOT loving the slides!

What should we do now?

Princess: I no longer want to be a dancer when I grow up...I want to be a pilot!
Hoopin' it up!
Trick or treat!
Livin' the dream!

We love Tangled!

Go Web Go!

A Knight? Really? I was thinking more like a Super Ninja!

And finally...the good guy gets the girl!
 Thanks for the fun, Nate, the Super Scout!
And Utah Kids' Club.


  1. That looks so fun! I loved all the pictures of your beautiful family. It's wonderful your son is getting so much well-deserved recognition.

    We went to a scarecrow festival today and Mase was flying that same type of airplane. He got really angry when another kid tried to get on. :)

  2. Looks like you all had a blast! This makes me so excited for Christmas! :] And good thing Nate got the girl!!!
