
Oct 27, 2011

The Cheetah Costume

See the cute little curly-haired boy in the cheetah costume? I know, he looks like my little Curly…but it isn’t. That is my sweetie! My MIL made this costume for him when he was just a little guy. His brothers and sisters wore it. Then when the time was right, my MIL gave him the costume. Every one of my kids have had a turn wearing it.

This first pic is of Bossy. Isn’t she cute?

This one is of the Dog Walker surrounded by Teach and baby Princess and me, of course.  (I know, I look bad, but Princess was only a month old...)

And this one is my sweetie with Curly (just so you could see how much he’s grown).

And finally, Curly the way he will be dressed on Monday for Halloween except that I'll probably tie his ears on straight (although with the way my life goes, you never know). I love traditions like this that span generations. And I can tell you, my MIL is quite the seamstress. This costume is still in excellent condition after 40+ years. (And so is my sweetie.)


  1. Halloween better watch out for that little wild cat she looks like she has some serious cuteness going on!

  2. That is so cool! Now that's a well made Halloween costume!

  3. That is such a great costume, and even better that it has been through so many of your kids! And everyone is so stinkin cute when they are in it!

  4. We love homemade costumes! Thank goodness for your sister who loans us hers!

  5. That is so awesome!! I hope to become a great seamstress like that!

  6. This is adorable! What an awesome tradition!!

  7. That is wonderful! New follower :) Cant wait to read more!

  8. Very fun post and I love the costume and it is amazing that it has lasted so long.

  9. I know I already commented, but I just saw your comment on my blog! I love just dance, but I'm so not good at it-probably because I've only played a few times. It was what I was wanting for my birthday, but a roadtrip to the Dallas area for the byu football game is even better than a wii game! I love that Nate is way good at just dance, I think it requires so much concentration and coordination!

  10. I'd say that Cheetah Costume must've been in our family for generations.

  11. I love Halloween costumes that are passed on for years! We have a Cheetah costume too! I just might have to snatch those from my house to use for my future children! :]
