
Oct 1, 2011

Another Very Long Day

 I almost don't remember what it feels like to not be tired. I sewed flags last night until 5:30 this morning when my sewing machine suddenly gave out! I think a belt or something broke. Then the Dog Walker and I ran across town to give them back to the lady in charge. I felt bad about it, but what could I do?! 
At 6:30 I finally crawled into bed for an hour or so. Sport had to be at the football field at 8:00 and his game started at 9:00. They played a good game and soundly trounced the Riverton team. We came home and started on the five boxes of peaches.

We finished them up around 2:00 and then we started on the five boxes of pears. By the time we were finished we had nearly 100 quarts of fruit. We also had the kids pick another round of beans and I just turned off the canner. That added 13 1/2 quarts to our tally for the day.

Not a bad day's work for a conference Saturday. We enjoyed the talks and the music in between the plop and hiss from the canners. Remember, if you want to do peaches, they are just like pears except they take a little longer to blanch. I hope you all had a happy and productive day too. Sorry about the short post, I'll make it up to you, I promise, but right now I really need some  zzzzzz.


  1. wow, I got tired just reading this and a bit sad,, I remeber days like this,, now they're but a memory,, sigh,, enjoy,, it flys by,,beautiful work,, beautiful post,

  2. That does indeed sound exhausting.

    I'm tired and I only have 2 kiddos to chase.

    Hope you get a chance to relax soon.

  3. I'm new to your blog, but already think you're amazing!

    To do so much and find the time to take pics and write about it. Kudos.

  4. wow are awesome. look at all that canning going on. looks like you could have used a saturday morning like our little family had. i blogged it if you care to take a peek.

    you really are amazing!!

  5. That is A LOT of cans! But I'm sure all the peach cobbler will be yummy!

  6. Wow! You are amazing! Truly! I don't think I've accomplished that much all week!

  7. Wow! What a long day!! You are amazing! And I love the last picture! :]

  8. wow! you were busy! and you still found some time to listen to conference? pretty sure I had one of the laziest weekends of my life. this makes me want to do something crazy awesome next conference!
