
Sep 25, 2011

A Very Long Day

It’s been a very long day, but I need to talk to all of my wonderful bloggy friends before I put this day to rest. We buried my sweet grandma today. She lives a couple of hours away, so we had to be up and on the road early. There was a huge part of me that REALLY didn’t want to get out of bed this morning. I was not looking forward to facing the reality that she was gone. But we got up and dressed and out the door before 8:00 AM.

We got caught in construction and didn’t end up at the viewing until it had been going on for about 20 minutes. But it didn’t really matter…the family was all still there. We hugged and cried and laughed and then hugged some more. The service was beautiful. Teach got to lead the singing and all the great grandkids and great-great grandkids sang a couple of songs. I led those so that she could sing with the group. It was a pretty impressive group! Six of my seven siblings were there and all of their children. Plus various other cousins and relatives.

My Dad, my MIL, Gym Rat and Me
 After the kids sang I spoke for about 10 minutes. I wasn’t afraid at all since it was mostly family with a few scattered friends in the back. My oldest sister and two of my brothers and one nephew also spoke. It’s funny, we all had different memories of Grandma, but they were kind of all the same. It’s like we learned the same lessons from her but all in a different way. Does that make sense?

After the funeral we drove for another half an hour to the cemetery where Grandma's first husband was buried. There was a short ceremony there. The funeral directors were so good! My little boys and a couple of their cousins wanted to look down in the hole so I took them to the edge. When I told him that they were curious about the process, he explained all the chains and ropes and pulleys to them. He even told them where they stored the extra dirt and why. Then he gently led them all back away from the hole and they brought the casket in. Doesn’t my sweetie look good in black? He was by far the best looking pallbearer…no offense guys…

Then we all piled back in the van and drove half an hour back to the church for lunch. I met with cousins I hadn’t seen in 20 years. I don’t know why we all have to wait for a funeral to reconnect! After an hour of more hugging and visiting, we loaded back in the van. The Dog Walker had a Marching Band competition about an hour away and we had to have him there by 4:30. He joined his group about ten minutes before they took the field to perform.

We got home about an hour before Princess’s birthday party friends started to appear. I quickly threw together a couple of batches of cupcakes and some frosting. She had about 20 kids here until almost midnight, but it was just what the kids needed. Princess even let all the little kids join with her friends playing games and decorating cupcakes, eating ice cream cones and singing around the piano and then watching Phantom of the Opera.

And now I’m tired…I’m so glad tomorrow is Sunday and a day of rest. The Gym Rat is hosting Princess’s family birthday party at his house tomorrow, so I don’t really even have to cook. Other than three hours of church, tomorrow should be much easier. Thanks for being there for me!


  1. Sending positive thoughts your way!

    It does indeed sound like a very long day!

  2. Funerals can be so hard. You and your family have been in my thoughts and prayers since you first wrote about your grandmother passing.

  3. Not just a long day, but an emotional one as well. So sorry about losing your grandma - never an easy thing.

  4. Sorry about your day... those are always the hardest ones. I hope you're able to grieve as quickly as possible.

  5. Funerals are so hard for me, I hate them so much I don't do them, I would rather remember my loved on the way they looked and were..Too much drama and someone always in my family speaks out in a very unkind manner, then there is the talk of a will, oh, my goodness I won't go at all..I always hold a service at the church I belong and speak but I won't be in the room with many of my direct relatives who try to pick at me to get me to blow up which I just won't do anymore at 63 I think it ridiculous and dishonoring of the decendent..So you are a princess and queen to me, you were so very close to your Grama and the fact almost all your siblings showed up and family and they all had nice things to say about your beloved Grama is a testament to her "raising" you and caring for your siblings too..She was surely a Godly woman, and you are toooooo! Much prayers and hoping today sunday will soothe your soul the sabath can do that..adios for now, luv your blog, what a wonderful mother and wife and family you have..your blessings here on earth..ciao

  6. I'm so sorry for your loss. That day is approaching for me as well as my Grandma is nearing the end. I don't imagine you can ever really be ready. May your family find peace in her passing.

  7. It's so hard to lose a loved one. Grandma's are so important, I'm sure you have many sweet memories of her.
    I hope you did get some rest today, physical and emotional rest.

  8. As hard as it for us to watch them go, how joyous it must be on the other side to watch them come. She will always be near, especially when you need her. I testify of that. How lucky we are to have the gospel in our life. A friemd of mine lost her mom yesterday and we were talking about the plan of salvation and why it hurts to loose a loved one. I was looking up quotes to try and find an answer and found this:
    "Because Jesus Christ suffered greatly, He understands our suffering. He understands our grief. We experience hard things so that we too may have increased compassion and understanding for others."
    --Joseph B. Wirthlin, "Come What May, and Love It", Ensign, Nov 2008, 26–28

    I guess to help us to be more Christ like.

    My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.

  9. I am so sorry for your loss. Funerals are very difficult for me. I have a terrible time. Glad that you made it through the day. Sending cyber hugs your way.

  10. I'm so sorry for your loss. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family during this difficult time.

  11. Sorry about your day. Big hugs for you and your family.
