
Sep 8, 2011

School Pictures

Dog Walker
We have this wall in our family room that is dedicated to 8 x 10 pictures of the kids. Once a year we pull out the old and replace it with the new. Unless they are over the age of 18. All kids are frozen in time in their senior pictures. You know, for Bossy, that was 10 years ago! She graduated in 2002. It seems like just yesterday...

So today was school picture day at the middle school. The girls dressed up because they wanted their pics to look good in the yearbook and on their student ID cards. I quit buying real school pics three years ago when my sweetie got laid off from his job. He was only out of work for a couple of months, but during that time we discovered there were quite a few things we could live without. One of them was school pictures.

Baby Doll
Prima Donna
The price seems to climb every year which I don’t understand because nice pictures are easier and easier to get. Now that Teach has a digital SLR, we count on her to make everyone look good and she takes this job VERY seriously. She changes out all the pics on the wall once they are edited and ready to go. When she took Princess’s pic, she didn’t think her teeth were white enough so she carefully whitened them a little in Photoshop. (I’ll probably get in trouble for telling you that. They are only a tiny bit whiter…)

She worries way more about lighting and setting than any of those photographers from the school. And she doesn’t make the kids fold their hands or hold their heads in an unnatural way. We also get real backgrounds rather than the blue screens. And they are WAY cheaper! Before we got the digital SLR, she took the pics with an actual film camera and then just had them made into a CD. That cost a little more but it was definitely worth it. These are all the ones she did from this year. Hope you like them!



  1. Why didn't you include my boys' school pictures?

  2. I agree that school pictures are way too expensive for what you get back. I love these pictures!

  3. Your kid pictures are really cute!
    School picture day stresses me out. The ones that really make me insane are those "Spring pictures" that they send home. I usually either forget to opt out, or don't get the paperwork and the kids bring home these photo packages that we don't want.

  4. yeah, but just saying, mom is still super picky about the pics, and as you see, mine is still crappo and yes, i have yellow teeth, blame my daddy ;) just kidding, pretty sure its my own fault for never brushing them when i was little, but i've gotten better, promise

  5. Nice Pics! You know, one new trend I hate is that senior pictures are taken with some crazy prop. I just took a head shot for the year book back in '92, but now you get a photo with you holding your surfboard, your favorite pet, or your art pad. It's almost as ridiculous as looking slightly left of the camera for a double exposure!

  6. That's a great idea. My lil sis takes WAY better photos than the school ever could. I think we'll forgo all but the class picture this year and get my sister to take some great shots.

    Gorgeous family! You have exactly half the number of children of my friend, Holly, but 4 times more than I have! LOL!

  7. Those are all beautiful pics!!! They're actually better than those tacky school pics!!! I cannot get over how expensive the school pics are these days!!

  8. I think my last school photo was when I was 11 and just started "BIG" school...thank goodness, ha, now I have no photo's to cringe at. :)

    These photos are MUCH better than school photo's those photographer's take!

  9. I wish my digital camera was not missing again. One of the kids borrowed it 6 months ago and thinks she put it back. We have not seen it since then.

    #2 has a nice film camera, I think a Canon Rebel, but does not take photos often. I should find her some film and have her take photos?
