
Aug 21, 2011

Road Trip

Today was our last mostly free Saturday until after pee-wee football season ends. Sport went in early this morning for weigh-ins, although why they didn’t just X him (make him a lineman) I have no idea. He would have had to lose at least 20 pounds to keep him off the line. So my sweetie dropped him off at the park and then headed over to work for a few hours of overtime while I tried to make up for some of the sleep I lost earlier this week. Baby Doll is teething again…need I say more?

I finally dragged myself out of bed about 10:30 because I thought I heard someone knocking on the door (it turned out to be the neighbors hammering something, I guess they didn’t know some of us were still trying to sleep). I checked the blog and read all of your nice comments (Thanks, I love the input!), and then texted my sweetie. After we traded a few texts, we determined that this was the perfect day for a road trip!

I packed a lunch, diaper bag, stroller, and the kids and then drove down to my sweetie’s company and picked him up. Then he took the wheel and I settled down for the 2-hour drive to Logan. We try to get up there every couple of years so we can show the kids where we lived and went to school when we were first starting out. We always stop for Aggie Ice Cream and we love a little zoo they have called Willow Park.

The Dog Walker - Peacocking!
We arrived just after 2:00 and headed directly for the park. Except that we got lost and drove all the way around it before we finally hit the entrance. The kids loved watching the monkeys and the turtles. Some kids were feeding the ducks but we dug through all our pockets and didn’t have a dime for the machine so we just watched them fight over the kernels tossed by the other kids.

The Old Coot
Princess remarked that the bald eagle looked a bit psychotic (exactly what I’d been thinking!). We giggled at some of the names, but my favorite was the American Coot. I made my sweetie pose with the sign since he’ll be 48 next week and I’m thinking that probably qualifies as an “Old Coot.”

The Dog Walker was fascinated by the peacock, but it didn’t matter how hard he tried, he couldn’t get him to spread his feathers for us. The trees are amazingly tall and beautiful at Willow Park and they made the day pleasant in spite of the heat.

Pet Rocks!
After looking at all the animals (even the pet rocks), we headed to the playground. Then we loaded all the kids and took our campus tour of Utah State and ate ice cream. Things have changed quite a bit in the last 25 years, but we still recognized most things, except the right road to Willow Park. I hear some people get Alzheimer's as they get older...


  1. That looks like a very fun time out as a family. Those are the best & most enjoyable times.

  2. Aw this makes me want to do something fun with my family again. I miss those times!

  3. Oh man, I couldn't wait to read your blog after the comments on mine.... If only...we go to Willow park at least twice a week! I have a bag of dimes in my van just so we can feed the ducks. We should meet up next time ;)

  4. We used to live in Richmond, Utah many years ago. I loved going shopping in Logan and I worked as a nurse in the Logan Regional Hospital.
    Glad you had a wonderful adventure for the day.
    Blessing to you and keep on enjoying those moments!

  5. Looks like a fun day! I can't wait til its cooler here so we can go do more outside.

  6. Sounds like a fun outing. I might just have to take my kids up there. They have this awesome deal up there almost year round where you can get a room and 2 meals (for 2 people) for $70.00.

  7. Willow park is one of our favorites although now that my sister is in Smithfield, we don't end up there anymore.

    And the Firehouse is our NEW favorite place to eat up there! ahhhhhh
