
Aug 26, 2011

Food for Thought - Grinch Waffles

My good friend, Stacey, at Me, He Plus 3 asked me to write a guest post for her blog way back when we were on our trip to Idaho with the kids and grandkids. Of course I said, "Yes," but then it took me a couple of weeks to get my act together. Then it took her a couple of weeks to actually post it. Anyway, when it did finally post, I totally missed it! So here is a link, sorry it took me a while to share.

Since it's Princess's last week before she goes back to school on Monday, she wanted one more chance to cook a fun breakfast. Never one to turn down a free meal (even if I did have to pay for the ingredients!) I promptly gave her the go-ahead. Like the sweet and conscientious daughter that she is, she even took pics and offered to write my Food for Thought for today. So here you have it...Princess's Grinch Waffles.

Today I woke up and just did not want cold cereal. So after rummaging in the pantry, I decided I wanted to make crepes or waffles. Whichever my mom would allow... Well waffles it was, as long as I promised to take pictures and write a blog about it, story of my life. **That's not exactly what happened... :) Mom**

When I was little, I remember making Grinch waffles often. Just about every time my parents went on a date (which was more often than it is now) the kids would make waffles and watch a Disney movie. We would always declare aloud which kind of cool designed waffle we would pick, and if you picked a "flower" you always had to rip it into little hearts and butterflies, not sure why, ask Prima Donna.

I'm pretty sure we got the Grinch waffle maker from our friend, Missy. For quite a few years she gave our family interesting kitchen things for Christmas like a Quesadilla Maker, little frypans that make huge chocolate chip cookies, stuff like that. But our favorite (and most used one) was the Grinch Waffle maker. If you look at the pics of Curly and Burrito, you can see that it has a cool swirl. You HAVE to run the syrup around the swirl, otherwise it just doesn't taste right. I hope you enjoy our waffle recipe. It makes great pancakes too!


1 cup flour
1 tbsp sugar
2 tsp baking powder
¼ tsp salt
1 beaten egg
1 cup milk
2 tbsp cooking oil

Mix egg, milk, and oil. Add flour, sugar, baking powder, and salt. 

Stir mixture just until blended, but still slightly lumpy.  Pour about ¼ cup batter onto a hot, lightly greased griddle or heavy skillet for each standard-size pancake.

Or use a waffle iron. Cook until pancakes are golden brown, turning to cook second sides when pancakes have bubbly surfaces and slightly dry edges.  Makes 8 to 10 pancakes. (We usually six times this recipe!) Today Princess made a small batch (only three times the recipe).


  1. it sounds delicious princess! what a great idea! we have a family tradition in our house for sunday mornings.. the post will be up in a few minutes!

  2. Mmm waffles!!! My family used to make these all the time. It seems like one of my brothers would buy a new waffle maker for "my mom" for Christmas every year even though she doesn't even like waffles much. Haha.

  3. I love waffles! I think we'll have some this weekend. :) I can't imagine cooking for that many. Wow.

  4. Well done princess. Think I'll have make me some waffles AGAIN!

  5. Well you see if you take the top of the flower it looks like a butterfly and you HAVE to eat the hearts sepertley. I remember one time where the boys couldnt eat the flowers and the girls couldnt eat the grinch ones that lasted for the first waffle or two...

  6. wait, she wrote this?? hahaha that's awesome :) mmm im craving waffles like it is nobody's business.

  7. The waffles look so great! Your princess sure did had fun making her master pieces! Keep it up!

    Visiting from vb,

  8. Gee, it has been months since I made real waffles. The kids like the frozen ones and I usually do not have a lot of time when I am at home. I need to teach hubby and the kids to clean when I am at work, so I don't spend the 3 days I am at home each week cleaning all day long? They do not seem to notice the same things I do. They can sweep the walkway of a floor and still have dirt/papers/toys under the edges of furniture, visible to me. They think they finished the job...
