
Jul 29, 2011

Food for Thought - French Toast

I've told you before that my mom and dad raised 8 kids on a teacher's salary. Mom was always SO careful with money. We had a farm, so that meant fresh milk and eggs. Mom made her own bread, so that was always plentiful. It was only natural that French Toast was part of our diet. Mom made hot breakfasts five days a week, Monday through Friday and the breakfasts were pretty set. We had eggs one day, pancakes one day, French toast one day, mush one day...(I just skipped breakfast on mush day) get the idea. Mom made good French Toast, but I had never really appreciated French Toast until my sweetie made it for me! He uses four or five loaves of bread and three dozen eggs, so cut down the recipe for your family. We like to eat it cold after church since it is pretty much a Sunday morning thing. I think the key is really the cinnamon and that extra dash of sugar. I have always loved jam on French Toast, but some of my kids prefer syrup. And get this, my sweetie eats his smothered in applesauce! I hope you enjoy it. Leave me a comment and let me know.

French Toast

butter (for griddle)
3 dozen eggs
2 pinches of salt
2 tablespoons of sugar 
3 cups of milk
2 tablespoons of ground cinnamon
4 or 5 loaves of white bread

Beat eggs well, then beat them some more.

Add salt and milk. Beat. Add cinnamon while beating and then beat fast for a minute or so to get the cinnamon stirred in.

Dip bread and cook on buttered griddle.

Flip and cook the second side until golden brown.  Butter griddle between each batch.  Enjoy!


  1. Never thought to add cinnamon! I'll have to do that next time!

  2. Sounds yummy! I'll have to scale it down quite a bit and try it.

    Thanks for visiting my blog and leaving a comment. I don't blame you for not homeschooling... it's a very personal choice. Not right for every family and definitely not right for every kid.

    I would like to follow you back but your follow button isn't showing up for some reason... I'll check back later.

  3. Smothered in applesauce? That sounds really, really good!

  4. Reading that recipe makes me finally realize what meal time in your family is like. Mercy. How nice hubby pitches in. Not sure I can scale it down to one but I will try. Thanks.

  5. Hi my dad used to make this for us when we were kids i do the same for my kids but only use 3 eggs some milk and thats it dip then cook in frypan its also nice on the barbecue(flat hotplate of course)

  6. This sounds wonderful...never thought about cinnamon before...I think I should make this tomorrow morning before church..hmmm...

    Thanks for the recipe.
