
Jun 20, 2011

My Dad

My dad came up for dinner tonight to celebrate Fathers’ Day with us. It wasn’t until he asked me if I blogged today that I realized I had missed a huge opportunity…It was easy to write about my mom for Mothers’ Day and even my MIL and Grandma. It’s a little harder to write about my dad. As a kid, Dad and I had our moments. I was not an obedient child, but I was a straight shooter. I said what I thought and usually he didn’t like it. I used to think that meant he didn’t like me, but now that I’m raising kids of my own, I can see the world a little differently. 

Dad and Sport
 Dad was a teacher by trade, but with 8 kids to feed, he had to find other ways to bring in a few extra dollars. I’ve told you before that he had a farm and I was raised with the chickens, cows, and sheep. He also taught drivers’ ed, and that kept him running for at least a couple of hours after school every day. Then he was the game announcer for many of our high school sports. He also drove the Bookmobile every summer. I think my dad was just so overwhelmed with the every day effort of taking care of all of us that he didn’t have time to watch our ballgames or read us stories. Even when he would finally quit working for the day, he was exhausted and just needed a few minutes to unwind. 

The best thing that ever happened to my dad (at least in my opinion, he would probably tell you something else), was when he became a grandpa. After he retired, he finally had the time to play with the grandkids, bring them tootsie rolls, and read stories. I love watching my dad interact with my little ones. He loves them all equally and he is always willing to hold a sleeping babe or attend a concert or dance recital. 

Dad and my grandma and the grandkids (26) and great-grandkids (2) summer of 2007

Dad and Taco
 He is 75 years old and still actively involved in community service. As a commander in the Legion Auxiliary, he has a fancy uniform with white gloves that he wears to funerals where he is in charge of the men as they issue the 21-gun salutes for veterans. He is a proud member of the Kawanis and I’m pretty sure he is the president-elect, meaning he will serve as president of his chapter next year. He works at the temple on Saturdays and the Family History Library on Fridays. 

One of my favorite memories of my dad happened about 6 or 7 years ago. My mom was very sick and she had to be on daily dialysis so the two of them had moved into Utah County. They lived with my little sis for a while, then Mom moved into a care center so she could have full time nursing help. Dad spent as much time as he could with her and she would have good days and bad days. On one of those good days, we celebrated someone’s birthday party at a park in Lindon. 

The Dog Walker’s latest obsession was softball, so he dragged all of our equipment out to the van. I told him I didn’t know how many people would be interested in playing, but he could bring the stuff along and we would see. Mom was feeling pretty good that day and she sat and watched us all play ball for over an hour. Dad played baseball and basketball in college, but we were surprised and delighted when he picked up a bat and agreed to hit. It was the first of many family softball games that included Dad while Mom cheered him on. I miss those days. The family parties are not the same without Mom. It will be five years tomorrow since she passed away. Dad still mourns her loss, but he has somehow found a way to keep on living a family-oriented productive life without her. 
Dad and Mom surrounded by grandkids at Taco's first birthday.

I know he reads my blog every day, so just for him…Thanks for being such a good grandpa for my kids, for putting up with them when they jump on you, begging for tootsie rolls and stories. Thanks for bringing fruit snacks and macaroni and cheese. Thanks for sharing your life with us; we love it when you are here. Thanks for putting up with me during my growing up years. Thanks for food and clothes, dentist and doctor visits. 

Thanks for adding $5.00 to my bank account every year on my birthday even though I usually just begged you to give me the money. Thanks for forgiveness. Thanks for letting us borrow your truck to bring the Drama Queen home from school…the new tires and tank of gas did not go unappreciated. Thanks for reading my newspaper and raving about dinner even when it’s just leftovers. Thanks for bringing up my dumpsters and for vacuuming my floor and getting Curly and Scout to help. You are an amazing person and a great example for my kids. Thanks for being my dad! I love you.


  1. what a beautiful story about your Dad.I want to thank you so very much for visiting my blog,, i might not have found you,, I'm your newest follower,, I love your blog

  2. that was a beautiful post for your dad...he will be proud.

  3. Ah ... complex Father-Daughter relationships! Still, a beautiful post about your dad. Good job!
