
May 8, 2011

Mother's Day "Surprise"

My sweetie works for a defense contractor and since that is government work, he usually works four 10-hour days. (I say usually because for the last month he has been working 6 14-hour days…but the overtime is finished…for now.) On Fridays he hangs around the house, runs the preschool carpool and the middle school carpool. Then just for good measure he takes the rest of the kids to school too. Sometimes he surprises me with breakfast from Carl’s Jr. or by mopping the floor. I almost always get to sleep in. 
So this past Friday was even better than usual since it marked the beginning of Mothers’ Day Weekend. Several years ago I proclaimed that rather than celebrate Mothers’ Day, we would celebrate Mothers’ Day Weekend. That is because my sweetie thinks it’s important to take care of his mom too. So on the Saturday before Mothers’ Day he drove the couple of hours to her house and helped her with any needed projects. He pruned trees, mowed her lawn…you get the idea. Anyway, back to Friday. 

After dropping off the preschoolers, my sweetie took Curly shopping at Sam’s Club. Last week when we were in there, I pointed out a cute little picnic set I would love to have for Mothers’ Day. It was just right for Curly and Baby Doll and maybe the grandkids. I know…you’re thinking that’s not really for me, but those are my favorite kind of gifts. So I wasn’t surprised when that’s where they went. About an hour later they returned. I heard the door open and slam closed and Curly’s little feet came running up the stairs. 

Deluxe Patio Set
 I was feeding Baby Doll on the bed and he climbed right up clutching a box of strawberries to his chest. He had a huge grin on his face and he snuggled up next to Baby Doll. "Strawberries, yumm!" I said, "Where have you two been?" As if I didn’t know. "To Sam’s," he said. He patted Baby Doll on the head. "What did you buy?" I smiled at him, already knowing the answer. "A little table and chairs for you and me and Scout and Baby Doll and Taco and Burrito…and it has an umbrella and we can put it on the porch!" he finally stopped to breathe. "That is so cool!" I said, stroking the baby’s head and trying unsuccessfully to put her back to sleep. 

Then my sweetie came through the door carrying a massive carrot cake, my personal favorite, (so much for my diet this week!). "You didn’t tell Mom what we bought, did you?" he asked. Curly glanced at me and the smile returned, "Yes!" he responded. I grinned back at him. My sweetie snorted. "What else did you buy?" I asked, assuming he would say muffins or bread or maybe some cheese. My sweetie jumped right in, "Yeah, what else did we buy?" Sometimes I think he forgets how incredibly bright my little Curly is… That blond head lifted up off the bed and big blue eyes twinkled. Dad had given him permission to tell! 

Sam's Club Carrot Cake

He took a deep breath, "We bought a new camera," he said, then glanced at my sweetie, "for the blog!" he continued. My sweetie started laughing, "You weren’t supposed to tell!" he said. Curly’s lip began to quiver. He didn’t like disappointing Daddy. Then my sweetie began tickling that little tummy and Curly started laughing too. I think my sweetie is the one who got the surprise…never assume that a two-year-old isn’t paying attention to your every move! Happy Mothers’ Day!


  1. Woohoo! A new camera! Happy Mother's Day!

  2. I love it when kids tell you what they bought you as gifts! I have a brother who is 30 and has Autism. He called me once while I was at school to ask me if the surprise package my mom had just sent me had arrived yet, I had a hard time acting surprised when it did come!
