
May 7, 2011

The Interview

Last Thursday my sweetie, Baby Doll, Grandpa, and I took off for Cedar City around noon. It’s a four-hour drive and we had a deadline. The Drama Queen was directing her first one-act play and she really wanted us to be there. We got stuck in traffic in Utah County, but the rest of the trip was pretty smooth sailing. I rode in the back with my Baby Doll since this was her first long road trip and it wasn’t long before my legs were totally cramped and aching. Did I mention that I have Achilles Tendonitis in my right foot? I’ll tell you all about that and my torture (therapy) sessions next week…but for now just keep in mind that an 8-hour car ride was not pleasant. 
 Yeah, we drove down, spent a couple of hours in Cedar including the play (which was amazing by the way) and turned around and drove home. Normally we would have spent the night, but Bossy’s graduation was at 10:30 the following morning so we had to get back. About two hours into our ride home, I got a phone call from Bossy. "Guess what, Mom?" she shouted excitedly into my ear. It was already pushing 11:00 pm, so maybe I wasn’t as excited as I should have been. "What?" I asked. "Brooke Adams from the Salt Lake Tribune has requested an interview!" I sat up. Suddenly I was listening. "You’re kidding," I responded. "Nope! You’ve  finally arrived!" (That’s about the 5th time she has told me I’ve arrived…). 

 **Editor's Note: This  doesn't make sense to anyone else, Mom.  For the first month she kept asking me, "When do you know your blog has "arrived?"  Like there was a magical pop-up that would greet her one day.  "Congrats!  Twelve Makes a Dozen is now a real blog."  So I started teasing her at every blogging milestone.**

I don't remember the rest of our conversation, but when I snapped my phone closed, I was unable to slip back into that dozy place. An interview! Nothing like that had ever happened to us before. Brooke wanted to talk to me about twelvemakesadozen and why I blog. When we got home I sent her an e-mail agreeing to the interview and she sent me a bunch of questions. Bossy’s graduation ate up most of Friday and we spent Saturday cleaning the house and preparing for her graduation party on Sunday. 

We fed and entertained 48 people at our house who all came to express their congrats to Bossy. When they were finally all gone, the house was under semi-control again, and the kids were all in bed, I sat down with the list of questions. It took me over an hour to answer them all. Some things I had never given much thought to, like WHY I blog. I sent them off to her and headed to bed. 

 She responded first thing Monday morning…the answers were just what she wanted. They were planning a huge spread on mom bloggers in the Mother’s Day Feature section. They also wanted to send over a photographer on Wednesday to get some pictures! That meant another day of cleaning the house while trying to settle my racing heart. 

My sweetie stayed home from work on Wednesday morning and took all the kids to school so I could sleep in. When I finally dragged myself out, he was touch-up painting in the kitchen! I was thinking mopping the floor would be a good idea, but painting!? We spent the morning together with me scrubbing and trying to avoid fresh paint while he crawled on the floor one minute, then stood on a chair the next. We took the youngest three (who are still home during the day) to McDonald’s for lunch. We didn’t want to chance making a mess. 

The paint was dry when we got home…that’s when my sweetie discovered he’d grabbed the wrong can and all the sand-colored paint he’d touched up on the walls was the wrong color! We had little lighter patches of paint everywhere…so much for impressing the photographer! She showed up that night just a little early. I was surprised how uncomfortable I was in front of the camera. Teach said, "Don’t worry so much, Mom, she can’t make us look any skinnier!" But maybe she can make my walls all look the same color. 

Pick up a copy of Sunday’s Salt Lake Tribune or read it on line. Let me know what you think. I'll even give everyone who leaves a comment about the article an additional entry in our new contest that starts on Monday. Have a fabulous weekend and Happy Birthday, Gamer!


  1. Happy Mothers Day! And congratulations on your interview!

  2. Randy and I read the article today in the paper. Congratulations on being so famous. We enjoy reading the blog and hearing about the fun adventures at your house. It did take us awhile to remember who everyone was with their nicknames, but I think we finally got it down.

  3. It was great reading about you! It was fun to see all of your kiddos too. Happy Mother's Day!
