
Apr 18, 2011


Conversation overheard at my house today…

Sport: Ouch! Quit throwing things at me! Mom! Curly threw a tape dispenser at me!
Curly: Mom! Sport is being a bad example.
Mom: What did he do?
Curly: He yelled at me.

Thanks all for sticking with me for the last 90 days! It’s actually our 3-month anniversary of the blog today. Some days it is so hard to drag myself in here and start writing. I like clicking on all of your links and reading your stories. That generally gets my creative juices flowing or reminds me of something similar that happened to me. So thanks for being my inspiration too. I hope we have many more happy days together.

In our family we also just passed another huge milestone. Gamer has smoked for 18 years, over half his life. When he married Bossy, he knew we were unhappy with the habit, so he never smoked around us. He was always careful to keep the cigarettes away from the kids so their little lungs would stay clean and healthy. Back in January, he made a resolution to finally quit and he has now passed three months without a single cigarette. We are so proud!

How are you doing on your New Year’s Resolutions? Mine was to exercise every day and so far I’ve done pretty well but it’s getting harder and harder. I’ve had a pain in my foot for about 6 weeks now. I finally got tired of it and drug myself in to see my doctor. Apparently, I am the proud owner of a couple of bone spurs and acute Achilles Tendonitis. He sent me to an orthopedic foot specialist. The answer is slow down the exercise, wear a splint at night, and do physical therapy. If I’m not a good girl, then I get to have surgery this summer. Why is it that sometimes when we try to do the right thing it ends up just making things worse?
Tell me your stories…


  1. One of mine was to go to the gym every day. Then Kinlee started waking up three or four times a night so I had to wait until she was 6 months then I went for a day and everyone got sick then I went for a few weeks then I broke my foot so I havent done so hot with a lot of mine

  2. you know.... it wasn't a new years resolution for me to stop smoking this year. I couldn't afford 8 bucks a pack for my smokes so I made the decision to stop so my kids could have what they need instead of my wants.

  3. Good for you Gamer! That really shows maturity and dedication to your family. It isn't always easy, but I know you'll find that it is worth the effort.

  4. That is so awesome! Congrats to Gamer!

  5. I don't think I made a resolution this year. In 2007, my resolution was to get pregnant and in 2008, when I was 7 months pregnant, I resolved to have a baby. ;)

  6. I resolved to have guys like me this year and now they are falling down and worshiping the ground I walk on ;) Actually I didn't make any resolutions, so when they set me apart as Miamaid first counsler and told me I would accomplish all my resolutions in school, friends and personal goals, I decided to do the normal loose weight, get all A's and get a solo in dance and so far I've done them all! (except loose weight but I haven't gained any.)

  7. So you've been doing this for just a short time as well ... yeah! I'm not the only one who has no idea what I'm doing half the time :)

    I'd love to hear about how you're going about your blog, how often you write, etc.

    Good luck and hope to see you at my blog again -- thanks for finding me so I could find you :)
