
Apr 29, 2011

Friday Freebies: Mailbox Jackpot!

I was in the Marketplace the other day (Editor's Note: As in Smith's Marketplace or The-Store-Formerly-Known-as-Fred-Meyer.) and they had a bunch of stuff on clearance. After sifting through piles of crap I found a nice fishing pole for my sweetie for Father’s Day. When I got home we were unloading the van and I handed the fishing pole to 2-year-old Curly. "What is it?" he asked. "It’s a fishing pole," I announced. He turned it over and over in his little hands. Finally, he asked, "How do you turn it on?"


Do you ever go to the mail and just wish you hadn’t bothered? For me it can be so depressing…full of bills and junk mail. Most days the Smith’s ad is the best thing going. Today the Dog Walker took Teach to work and on his way back in he grabbed the mail. He brought in a small package, a bunch of envelopes, and the obligatory junk magazines that promptly made their way to the recycle bin.

I was talking to my sweetie on the phone when I started opening the envelopes. The first one contained a rebate on his diabetes test strips for $6.11. Wahoo! I love "found" money. I saw another envelope with the same address so I opened it next. It contained another rebate from the Freestyle company, $50.00 this time. The kids caught wind of the fact that I had a package and they hovered around until I finally opened it. They were disappointed that it wasn’t the Tangled movie they had been waiting for, but I was excited about the free Tide samples and coupons Bossy ordered for me.
The next flyer was the one from my bank with the information I needed for my free $25.00 gift card I had been waiting for since Christmas. I couldn’t remember a mail day this good! The next envelope I opened had a $22.00 coupon for a free Fisher Price toy from the lead paint recall over two years ago and the envelope after that had a $22.00 rebate for the same thing! By now my sweetie was way passed impressed. "This sounds like a blog topic!" he said.
Think Scout would like this?
 I laughed as I slid my finger through the next flyer. I couldn’t believe it when I pulled out a JC Penney $15.00 off of $15.00 gift card. The next one was also a JC Penney envelope with my $10.00 rewards card. That’s $25.00 in free stuff from JCP! Bossy found a $10.00 off of $25.00 coupon for you link to print here. Next to Kohls, JCP is my favorite place to buy clothes for the kids. One of my kids (who shall remain nameless) wears the Girls Plus sizes and they are hard to find in cute trendy styles except at JCP.

The last thing I opened had the Staples logo on it. It turned out to be my $25.00 rebate card for the box of paper I bought last month. If you’re counting, folks, that’s almost $200.00 in free stuff and although I guess I knew most of it was coming, it was still a wonderful surprise to get it all at once. I hope you have a day that turned out as good as mine…and now I’m going shopping…see ya’!


  1. Hey about the tea cup pic scout would loove that i love it when mail isnt junk

  2. awesome! I have never had that good of a mail day. Lucky you!

  3. Wow, that is awesome. We here in Canada would NEVER receive anything like that in the mail.

    Have a WONDERFUL weekend.

  4. We have that tea set (although we call it the Hot cocoa set) And the kids love it. They play with the pot and make it sing all day!
