
Apr 7, 2011

Food for Thought: Navajo Tacos and Snow Scones

Clipart borrowed from Living Our Dream Life
 As my Mormon friends know, last weekend was General Conference weekend. That means what my kids call "church on TV," but it also means that the guys over age 12 all attend a special meeting at 6:00 on Saturday night at the church.  Several years ago, it was suggested that to encourage the younger boys to want to attend a meeting on Saturday night, that we plan a special treat afterwards. The first couple of years we made homemade donuts. The kids loved that because it was the only time of the year we made them. But they were difficult and my sweetie has Type 2 Diabetes so we started looking for a recipe he didn’t like so much.

Then we started making scones since the Gym Rat loves a good scone with cinnamon and sugar. But one day the Dog Walker decided he wanted ice cream for his after-meeting treat. This didn’t sit so well with the Gym Rat, so we decided to make both, scones and ice cream sundaes for dessert. That’s when my Dog Walker devised his brilliant beyond brilliant recipe for what he calls Snow Scones.

Now we make chili on Friday and then we make tons of scones and have Navajo Tacos and Snow Scones for Saturday. Unfortunately, my sweetie makes the chili and I haven’t convinced him to part with his recipe yet (that’s because he makes it a little differently every time!) but for now here are the recipes for our version of Navajo Tacos and Dog Walker’s soon-to-be-world-famous Snow Scones.

Navajo Tacos

frozen roll dough (like Rhodes)
cooking oil
prepared chili
grated cheese
sour cream

Thaw out the roll dough by placing it on cookie sheets and covering with plastic wrap. Make sure you use some cooking spray on the sheets and wrap so they don’t stick to the dough. When the dough is completely thawed but not yet begun to rise, heat your cooking oil. You can do this in a frying pan but it must be at least an inch deep. We use a deep fryer, but either way will work.
Pic from Mitchell Butte Diner

Pull the dough flat with your fingers, trying not to rip it. It needs to be about ¼" thick. Then drop it in the hot oil. When the edges start to brown, flip it over. When it is a beautiful brown color, pull it out and let it drain on paper towels.

Cover that nice hot scone with warm chili, cheese, lettuce, tomatoes, sour cream, sliced olives and corn. (My sweetie says to pass on the corn, but we like it.)

Snow Scones

frozen roll dough
cooking oil
vanilla ice cream
chocolate syrup
strawberry jam
nuts – other sundae toppings

Follow the above instructions for making your scones. Then build yourself a sundae on the top of the scone. For the kids I tear the scones up just to make them easier to eat, but if you want pretty, do it like the one in the picture. Enjoy!


  1. I'm going to try those tacos! They look delicious.

  2. What a neat post! Looking forward for more post from you. Thank you for sharing!

  3. Yuuuuuuuuum!!! What an awesome Conference tradition! I need to start doing something like that, love it!

  4. I like the Snow Cone idea!! That sounds fabulous! :)

  5. Mom we need to make more scones! Those look totally yummy!

  6. Both look very tasty! Great ideas! I love traditions! I enjoyed reading your post.

  7. They look yummy - but sorry to say that those aren't scones as we know them. Those would be beaver tails or whale tails or elephant ears.

    A scone is more like a biscuit with the fat cut in. It's baked and yummy and needs much butter / jam / cream...unless it's a savoury scone.

  8. Thanks for the cooking lesson on scones! In Utah that's what scones are, but I've had the other kind too. We bought a scone mix once and the kids were really disappointed when they turned out to be more like biscuits than the scones we know. But both are yummy no matter what they are called!

  9. Hi there! Your daughter left the sweetest comment on my blog this morning, so I thought I would stop by!! I love your blog header! SO cute! :) I've been browsing posts and will be back after I get my kiddos off to school, but had to comment on this one because I am a lover off all food and these look so yummy!! :) I am going to have to try them!! The question is... sweet or salty? Hmm... BOTH! HA!!

    Hope you have a blessed day!

  10. Fun to find your blog via Twitter. I love recipes and Conference traditions posts. We'd love to have you add your post to our General Conference links page....

  11. Thanks for sharing your recipes. I have yet to try one of those famous snow scones but those and the navajo tacos sound great!
