
Mar 29, 2011

Spring Cleaning

In our house we have a little room just inside the garage (which doesn’t have any cars parked in it…ever!) that we call a mudroom. I guess the theory is that you come in from your car, take off your jacket and muddy shoes, and leave them there before you go into the rest of the house. Since we don’t park in the garage, that theory doesn’t really work for us. We use the mudroom to build a laundry mountain (because the room next to it is the laundry room), throw coats and backpacks, feed the dog, and pile things on the shelves we don’t want to put away. 

We have ten hooks in the mudroom, one for each of us living at home except that the two littlest ones have to share. So last week we celebrated the first official day of spring. For me that meant spring cleaning which mostly means I make all the kids take their heavy winter coats upstairs and hang them in their closets. We also pack up all the winter hats and gloves and scarves and store them in the garage until winter returns. 

The day after we "spring cleaned," Baby Doll started up again with the sniffles. Her chest got raspy and icky so I took her to the doctor. It seems we have another round of RSV on our hands. Then I was up half the night with Scout, she was complaining of similar symptoms. So we filled the humidifier, fired up the breathing machine and broke out the Motrin. And just in case I didn’t get the message, on my way home from the doctor for the second time inside a week, it started to snow. So much for spring cleaning. It’s still winter in Utah.

1 comment:

  1. I know! I'm also ready for warmer weather around here.

    You are a good mom to box everything. Half the time my kids winter clothes just stay in their closet waiting for the next year.

    Sorry you have sick kiddos.
