
Mar 14, 2011

Dancing with the Stars

Every once in a while an opportunity comes along in our lives for something that is just amazingly cool! That happened to us last spring. You all know that I have a bunch of dancers in my family (I’m not sure why, I have two left feet. I don’t even have natural grace on the basketball court.) Princess and the Prima Donna are both on pointe (which is a fancy way of saying they can officially dance on their toes). The Dog Walker even dances in a ballet once a year, need it or not. Sport takes a boys’ ballet class once a week and is about to make his debut in a real ballet in a couple of weeks. But this is a story about Crafty. 

At 10 years old, she has been dancing for most of her life and I mean that literally. When she was barely two, she and I would sit at the dance studio and watch Princess and Prima Donna take creative ballet and tap classes. She wasn’t so interested in the ballet, but she loved the tap! So I gave her an old pair of tap shoes that no longer fit the other girls and she started wearing them to the studio. It wasn’t long before she was trying to mimic the steps while the other girls danced. Soon the teacher noticed and suggested that she just join the class (all of the other girls were between the ages of 4 and 6). We bought her a tiny costume and she performed in the Spring Recital with all of those other kids. She was perfectly in step with the teacher the entire time even though her shoes were about three sizes too big. They didn't even make shoes small enough to fit her tiny feet. 

Fast forward a few years. They had an audition for a show that was to take place in a major venue on the Wasatch Front. No, it was not the Nutcracker and Ballet West, Princess did that. This was an exclusive show with the Transfusion Hype group. They needed about 5 kids to perform a hip-hop dance in their show. Crafty auditioned for one of the parts and beat out both of her older sisters. She was 8 years old and performing with adults in a show that cost $16.00/ticket. They filled the house every evening of the performance so I guess people thought it was worth the money. 
Transfusion Hype

Back to last spring…someone approached our studio looking for girls who were willing to participate in a music video. Crafty’s class was chosen and she was about to become famous. They spent many hours in rehearsal and then finally in filming. Sadly, some of the girls were not allowed to dance but were filmed watching the other girls. Since we are still trying to be incognito, I can’t tell you which one is my little Crafty, but you can probably figure it out on your own since (in my humble opinion) she is the best dancer! Take a minute and watch this fun music video made for a real band as it appears on YouTube. We think she is amazingly cool.

1 comment:

  1. Just testing what I was told about comments! But I love the video too!
