
Feb 1, 2011


I told you the other day I had sick babies. Baby Doll kept getting sicker and sicker so I made her an appointment at the doctor’s office. It turned out that she has RSV, but not bad enough to be hospitalized or anything. Breathing treatments were recommended as was something we had never experienced before…the giant booger sucker! 

This snot vacuum was a tiny tube about 12 inches long attached to a canister that pulled all the boogers (and at least half the brains) right out of her head! They inserted that tube, at least 8 inches of it, into her tiny nostril and down the back of her throat. She coughed and gagged and cried. It was awful! As I headed out the door, somewhat dazed, they invited me back for another session the next day if she was still having trouble. "Not on your life!" I promised her. But I couldn’t argue with the results. They vacuumed her boogers so well that she slept for 5 straight hours! 

By the following afternoon she was so congested again that I broke down and took her back. While we were waiting to visit the nurse, another couple about my age came up to the desk. Of course my little one is so cute she quickly became the center of attention. "I remember when ours were little, don’t you, Honey?" the man gushed. "They were so cute then! Just you wait until she’s a teenager," the woman warned. The receptionist smirked; she knew I had a bunch of kids. "Don’t you have a few of those?" she asked. "Just a few," I said. "How many kids do you have?" inquired my new friend curiously. "Oh, about twelve," I said. She took a step back. "Oh, she stammered, I thought I had it bad with eight…I don’t need to tell you anything!" But she was wrong. There are so many things I don’t know! Like the booger sucker…that was a new one for me.

Think will make me a custom shirt?

I would love to hear your comments on child rearing in big or small families. Feel free to leave me a comment or question on any post.  Or e-mail me if you prefer