
Jan 30, 2011

1 million calories

January is nearly over. Who knows the next holiday? Raise your hand…you there in the front, little girl in the pink dress. Valentine’s Day? (buzzer sounds) Wrong! You Sir, in the middle, yeah, the guy in the green and yellow Packers shirt. SUPER BOWL SUNDAY is correct! Give that guy a million dollars or at least a million calories! 
Picture courtesy of instructions click here
So I don’t know how you celebrate the Super Bowl, but for us it’s all about the food. We’ve got to have nachos, sodas, and football-shaped Oreos. Bean dip, cheese and crackers, chicken chimis, and definitely something special for the half-time treat. 

It’s a fiesta at our house and this year the party will definitely be green and yellow. My son-in-law is an avid Packers fan! He has been showing up regularly to watch every game on the big screen since they made the playoffs. We have teased him every step of the way that the Packers didn’t have a chance, but here you go, WE WERE WRONG! Now you bring the pinata and the dip let’s have a party…GO GREEN BAY!

Packer's website

Want to taste our delicious and easy Chicken Chimis?  E-mail me for the recipe.


  1. we usually have a super bowl party every year but decided against one this year. sounds like you're going to have some tastey treats

  2. Can you email me the recipe? I can't get outlook to work on my laptop. Thanks so much. I really enjoy reading your blog.
