
Jul 7, 2024

Traveling Together - For Better and for Worse

On Friday morning, we were jolted out of bed just after 7:00AM to the sound of the fire alarm. I was quickly pulling on clothes when Sport pounded on the door. "He's having a seizure!" I didn't have to ask who, I just rushed out the door.

Taco was laying on the floor, half in and half out of the stairwell door. Curly held the door to keep it from closing on him. Taco rolled to his back and blood mixed with saliva poured from his mouth. He gagged and we coaxed him back to his side.

Scout was on the phone talking to the 911 dispatcher. The paramedics and the firefighters were on their way.

Taco finally stopped convulsing and he laid mostly still. I talked with him softly, and then the paramedics came in.

They put Taco in the ambuance and invited us to follow. Scout and I left everyone and we took off for the hospital. Btw, the fire alarm had a broken part that needed replaced; no fire.

We spent the next 3 hours at the hospital. Taco gradually became more aware. It was so weird seeing him that way. (Pics shared with his permission.)

We got back to the hotel and Taco was tired from the medication he had been given. But the kids were hungry, so we drove to Arby's and grabbed sandwiches and fries. Sport wanted to go to Spearfish and go disc golfing with Curly and Crafty, so we headed for the course.

The rest of us drove back to Deadwood to visit a couple of museums while they played. We started at the Spirit of 76. They had a lot of great stuff.

Then we stopped by the Adam's museum. 

Then we went to the Silverado to eat. But the lines were too long so we left for Outback Steakhouse.

It has been an exhasting day.

Jul 6, 2024

Traveling Together - Happy 4th of July from Rapid City

We are all excited to finally be in Rapid City. We are staying for 3 days!!

Happy 4th of July!!


We started our holiday by visiting Mt Rushmore. We didn't stay very long since Taco was the only one who hadn't been there before.

Then we took a ride on the Needles Highway.

Then we drove part of the Custer State Park loop, and we saw a big old bison just off the side of the road. He was sharpening his horns on a little tree.

We picked up some chinese food on our way back to the hotel.

Some of us rested for a minute before we were off again. Our next stop was Fort Hays. We had dinner and show reservations, but there was plenty to do if you showed up early.

The only thing Baby Doll wanted to do was ride the roller coaster, so we got her and my sweetie each an unlimited wristband.

They rode 4 times and then it was time for dinner.

We got our food lunchroom-style.

Then it was time for the show.

We all loved watching the show! Then it was time to leave.  Sport drove us down to the park for the fireworks.

We finally found a spot, so we spread our blankets on the grass and watched the fireworks. 

Happy 4th!