
Mar 31, 2024

Happy Easter

Happy bunny rolls!

Thanks, Scout!!

I loved hearing you all laugh as you enjoyed playing the games left with your baskets this year.

I loved sitting with you at church as we sang together and you all watched that 8" nightcrawler until I picked it up and carried it out of the chapel and back to its flowerbed right before the Sacrament. 

Happy Easter!!

Easter Eve

We had a great day in spite of the fact that our tickets to the Disney Princess Concert fell through.

Bossy and family braved the weather and did the city egg hunt.

We headed for the ward party. It was inside.

After lunch, my sweetie and I made an amazing soup from scratch.

Then Bossy & Gamer, Sport, Crafty, Dog Walker, and I went to the Jordan River temple.

It was the perfect way to celebrate Easter.

Mar 29, 2024

Good Friday

My sweetie started on his hot cross buns first thing this morning. He had a little help.

I forgot to show you the bunnies we painted last night.

Today, we had a bunch of the kids over for dinner and egg painting.

Such a fun day.

Wordless Wednesday - Learning about Jesus

John 13:4-5

4 He riseth from supper, and laid aside his garments; and took a towel, and girded himself. 5 After that he poureth water into a basin, and began to wash the disciples’ feet, and to wipe them with the towel wherewith he was girded.

Mar 27, 2024

Visiting the Manti Temple

We had a great time visiting the Manti Temple Open House today. We left this morning about 10:00. Our reservations were for 2:00, but we had heard stories about the lines and we wanted to get there early.

It only took us 2 hours from start to finish. The temple was amazing! 

We stopped in Mt Pleasant to have lunch at the Dairy Freeze.

We were tired, but it was an awesome day.

Mar 26, 2024

Mom and Me

Baby Doll and I had so much fun today! We started out with a shopping trip. Bath and Body Works, then JC Penney's. 

Baby Doll needed a few new things, and their clearance was amazing! She got a makeup bag, 6 shirts, 5 pairs of jeans, and 3 dresses, all for $190. 

Then we went to Starbucks to use Baby Doll's gift card to buy lunch.

She had volleyball practice, so after she spent a couple of hours hitting the ball, I picked her up and we contined our fun at Scheels. 

The first thing we did was ride on the ferris wheel.

Then we used Baby Doll's gift card to buy a volleyball and matching earrings for us to share. We hit the cafe and bought fudge for my sweetie on our way out.

Such a great time! Baby Doll, you make a great date!

Mar 25, 2024

Birthday Puzzle

Back in January, my Jersey girls sent me a super cute birthday gift from Shutterfly. Unfortunately, it got stashed in the wrong box and I just barely found it.

Baby Doll helped me put it together.

A whole bunch of pics of my cuties all in a puzzle. So fun!!

Mar 23, 2024

Cousin Camp

Our very first Cousin Camp was a hit!!

We started out this morning at the zoo, one of our favorite places.

Then we went back to the house for a lunch of pbjs, chips, and apples. After we cleared the table, we set up for a craft activity.

Sorry, we were too busy working to take pics. Then we wiped the table again and set up to decorate sugar cookies.

Then it was time to clean up again.

Then my sweetie read us all a story before the kids left for home.

I'd say it was pretty successful. Happy Easter!!