
Nov 29, 2022

Watching the Stars

Friends in Utah, have you ever heard of the Salt Lake City Stars? Well, neither had we until our Jr Jazz program offered us 6 free tickets.

According to Google, "The NBA G League, or simply the G League, is the National Basketball Association's (NBA) official minor league basketball organization." In Utah, that would be the SLC Stars.

So in spite of the snow, Burrito, Skittles, Curly, Baby Doll, the Dog Walker and I all decided to go. It was a lot of fun! They even have their own mascot and the KidZone was amazing.

All for free...

You can't beat that!

Nov 27, 2022

Vikings of the Northern Lights

Last week, one of Baby Doll's cute friends had a little party called a Friendsgiving. She invited the kids to bring something, so I recommended that Baby Doll take our new game, Vikings of the Northern lights. Our friends over at Starlux asked us to give it a try. The girls LOVED it!!

Thanks, Starlux, for another awesome game!

Nov 26, 2022

I'm pretty sure...

I'm pretty sure a Sleep Study is on my Top Ten List of Things I Never Wanted to Do.

Nov 25, 2022

Review: Arctic Adventure by World of Illumination

On Wednesday night, we loaded up the big van and headed downtown to the state fairpark. We were so excited for the opening night of Arctic Adventures by World of Illumination. It was Scout's 17th birthday and that made it extra special.

We waited in line for only about 20 minutes before it was our turn.

The lights were dancing to the music and mostly spinning in the same color schemes. I preferred the slower songs, but the kids liked the bouncing ones.

They had a few opening night glitches, but for the most part, the show was as promised and so fun!

Use USFAM promo code to save 20% at World of Illumination 

Nov 24, 2022

Happy Thanksgiving!!

We had so much fun today! It was a beautiful happy time working and playing together.

Happy Thanksgiving!!

Nov 23, 2022

Nov 21, 2022

So Excited to See the Harlem Globetrotters!!

OK, so you know how much I love basketball. 

Last week, US Family Guide asked me if I would like to see the Harlem Globetrotters... are you kidding me?? One of my fondest memories as a child was watching the Harlem Globetrotters on TV with my brothers. We loved their crazy antics and their amazing skills. As a kid, Meadowlark Lemon was my favorite player. My brother liked Curly Neal and Grandpa was a fan of Marques Haynes.

Today's Globetrotters are just as cool as ever and I am excited to share with you that Tickets are Now on Sale and I can save you 20% on any game you choose if you use the USFAM promo Code. 

The game I want to see is in Utah on February 27, 2023. Give me a shout-out if you see us there!

We can hardly wait...

Nov 19, 2022

News from North Dakota: Winter is Here, Baby by Elder Sport

Hey Everyone! 

Pretty awesome out here our friend K was able to get baptized last week. He's really cool. He grew up in Mexico around the FLDS church and him and a lot of his family moved up here to oil country and since joined the church! When he was Baptized both him and his friend baptizing him slipped in the font and it was like a crazy double Baptism tackle it was scary but so funny.

It snowed a lot and is already been in the negatives some of the days! It's expected but an early start for sure. I love it and hate it at the same time, love driving and accidentally loosing a little traction lol don't worry I'm actually a safe driver! We went bowling today which was fun, I never know which hand to use. 

Me and my companion Elder R are both staying which is hype! Findings been a little slow but we were also able to meet this cool family from Texas who are really interested in the church!

Scripture: Mosiah 7: 33

33 But if ye will turn to the Lord with full purpose of heart, and put your trust in him, and serve him with all diligence of mind, if ye do this, he will, according to his own will and pleasure, deliver you out of bondage.

I refound this scripture this week and I love it so much! I love how it fits in the chapter. The chapter talks a lot about how we suffer when we break the commandments or don't live right, using the example of Limhi's people. But this very last verse, starts with a simple but... sparking that hope we all need, to begin to return our hearts to the Lord, and not suffer anymore in bandage. I know that there's always the hope of returning unto him and repenting, and promise if you do with full purpose of heart he will heal you, just like he does with me every week. 

Love you guys💙

Elder Sport

Nov 18, 2022

Guest Blogger: Divorced - The Dog Walker

 I know it's been a long time since I got to guest blog for Mom. She had been quite busy with a lot of things, like having to deal with Dad who's been having quite a foot and shoulder condition that had him hospitalized twice! I'm pretty sure she has told you all about that hardship. But there's one thing that is really hard for me to deal with right now. As you might have already heard, Puppy Lover and I recently just got divorced!

I was really devastated when this happened. All my life, when growing up attending the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, I always thought that divorce wasn't allowed in the church, because according to our religion, we believe in eternal families. But until now, I've learned that sometimes, divorce happens to some people, even LDS members, for a specific purpose like this one. Puppy Lover and I were married for four and a half years and there have been good times we had together as a married couple, like going to Disneyland and Universal Studios back in 2019 with my side of the family. But for quite a long time, she had mental depression that seemed impossible to handle for either of us. I've been very patient with her when it came to trying to be a good husband to her and always living up to my commitments of marriage. 

When we first got married, we lived in my parents' house for a year, and after discussing about how things weren't going well with Puppy Lover of living at my parents' and having to go through the rules that she never grew up with. And I had the turn to live at her parents' house for two years at the time. And then after getting a wage increase at my job and Puppy Lover finding a job that might best suit her, our parents helped us on finding a reasonably cheap apartment that would be close to between our parents' homes. 

Living in an apartment outside of our parents' households seemed like a very huge step for the both of us. Despite finally having a place of our own, I still had to work full time to pay rent and other expenses to keep living at the apartment. Puppy Lover just had a hard time with the idea of me having to go to work or even going to my parent's house for a little bit to get ready for work almost every day. She even started working at a Walmart close to our apartment but only at the same time as my shift goes. I had to make sure that when I got off work, I go straight over to the other Walmart to pick her up, since she gave up on learning how to drive. 

As a matter of fact, she had the tendency to call in from work when she had little deal symptoms. And her work hours have been cut for some reason that we didn't know about. Even on her days off, she was still scared to be living at an apartment by herself on days I worked, so back in April we adopted a cat that would give her some companionship while I was at work. The cat was a bit scared of the both of us at first, but after a little while, the cat was bonding with us, mostly me. It kind of made her sad that the cat was only bonding with me and not with her. I just can't help it if I'm like a total pet magnet! I tried not to be prideful about that, but it just happens to me at times.

Everything seemed to be going well for all these years of our marriage. But a few weeks ago, she decided that she was way too overwhelmed with being married and having to live independently when living in an apartment of our own. She was always calling her Mom and telling her about her problems with things like that and she even tried to hide things from me. It was really hard for me to have to live with my wife when she would refuse to talk about her problems with me. I didn't understand why she wouldn't tell me anything, but probably because she thought that if she didn't tell me anything, then nothing was wrong. And I know that's not how marriages should go. She then admitted that she kissed another guy behind my back and even though I forgave her, it turned out that she just didn't want to be married anymore.

I ended up moving all of my stuff back to my parents' house to live with them again, while Puppy Lover did the same for her parents. For the past few days after that, and even a little bit before Halloween, I ended up dressing myself up in different costumes while I'm at work. A couple of the costumes I wore were to show how depressed I was with having to deal with divorce. I dressed myself like a sad clown and Napoleon Dynamite. And there were even those times that I dressed up in happy ways to show how much I've been trying to overcome divorce. I even talked with some people about my problem and they have given me some encouraging advice. But I digress. Anyway, with me dressing up at work, it was very impressive to a lot of the coworkers around me, just because I've worked at Walmart for about seven years now and they thought I just made their day and they know how much of a hard worker I am.

I sometimes wish people would make my day too. However, people have made my day just recently before. Remember back in 2019 with my Capstone project and the judges really loved what I did and they wanted a copy of my book? Well, Mom finally helped me publish it on Amazon and we got the first paperback copy delivered to us. As a goodbye gift to Puppy Lover's side of the family, I gave each of her sisters, and her parents a copy of my book for them to read. They were really excited to have the book, and also a very sad to see me and Puppy Lover end our marriage. Her side of the family really enjoyed being around me for all these years, maybe because I gave them some good tastes in entertainment, like books, treats, and many more. 

Despite the farewell, I hope that they always remember me. Well, since I have done that, I should change my life too. My family has told me that I'll be able to find another woman who not only wants to marry me but who's also willing to live up to her commitments of marriage. I'm thinking after New Year's, I might go to a Singles Ward, go on the Mutual Dating app or be set up on a blind date. I'm still going through a lot of hard things with my life right now, but hopefully I'll eventually  get over them and be happy again.

Nov 16, 2022

A Little Melancholy

My life is so different than what I was expecting. I was supposed to be in a condo on Myrtle Beach with my sweetie this week, instead it is doctors' visits and the waiting room at Tire Pros.

I don't mind sitting here, honestly, we have been coming here since we moved to South Jordan 29 years ago. But now this place makes me miss Sport. I miss his hands black from lifting and hauling tires, and the stubborn stains in his clothes from the grease and sweat of hard work, but mostly I miss his smile when he talked about this place; the friends he made and the skills he acquired in just a few short months before he left on his mission. Maybe I even have a pic somewhere...

Right timeframe, just a bit cleaner...

Nov 15, 2022

Bingham's Football Banquet

Tonight was Bingham's football banquet. It was fun to celebrate both the freshman and the sophomore's. Curly sat with his friends while Bossy and Gamer and I sat with Burrito.

Curly got an Academic Award.

It was nice to see the boys be recognized and enjoy a delicious meal.